Hi all,
I've been struggling through trying to install Arches all day today 
(historian background, not IT professional!) and I thought I was getting 
somewhere reaching the point where it told me Arches had been installed (in 
Windows command prompt) but even our IT support are unable to get very far 
beyond that. Anyone got any advice? Is there a simpler way? I just wanted 
to try out the software, not get a degree in coding before I had even seen 
what it looked like.
I tried to run step 7 on the install guide: 
but it says you need elasticsearch running. I tried to install 
elasticsearch from the "easiest way" (dread to think what the hard way 
looks like) as per below:

The easiest way to install Elasticsearch is to use a command that comes 
with Arches. Once you have installed Arches (either with pip or from the Arches 
repo <https://github.com/archesproject/arches>), activate your virtual 
environment, enter your app/project root directory (the one that contains 
manage.py), run

python manage.py es install

Elasticsearch will be installed in the root folder. You can specify an 
alternate destination for the installation by using the -d argument. For 

python manage.py es install -d C:\Projects

will result in a new directory C:\Projects\elasticsearch-5.2.1 from which 
you’ll be able to run Elasticsearch.

I tried this and got the following:
(ENV) C:\Users\FIMNT\my_project>python manage.py es install
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "manage.py", line 27, in <module>
    from django.core.management import execute_from_command_line
ImportError: No module named django.core.management

Obviously I or the software have done something wrong but I've spent the 
entire day working like this with every single step having some kind of 
problem and our IT support service is also struggling to see why it's 
having so many issues. 
Anyone able to guide us through in a simpler way, enlighten me past this 
step and onto the next error or should I give up on Arches now seeing as 
it's taken me a day and I can't even install it, yet alone set it up or 
operate it?


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