Well, it's good that it's more or less the same error. But the full 
traceback doesn't actually help me out too much unfortunately.

What's confusing is that all of the errors above, and this one, seem to 
indicate that there are entire tables missing from your database. Like the 
and domains tables (which are in the data schema) and the rules table which 
is in the ontology schema. In the past I've seen errors like this when the 
DATABASES parameters do not include the schemas, so Django doesn't know 
where to find them. Further, looking at the code in the export process, 
specifically this line 

    resources = archesmodels.Entities.objects.filter(entitytypeid = 

is also puzzling because the Entities table is in the data schema (so it 
seems inconsistent with the errors encountered above), but we know that 
that works because the resource counts are correct in the console printout.

I'll think about this more but it would be useful if you can confirm that 
your database does function properly on the front-end (can you create a new 
resource?), and try running this command in the console (doesn't matter if 
env is activated or not).

    psql -U postgres -d arches_phm2app -h philippineheritagemap.org -c 
"\dt+ *.*"


On Monday, April 22, 2019 at 4:31:18 PM UTC-5, Joel Aldor wrote:
> Here's the error:
> >>> from arches.app.models.resource import Resource
> >>> a = Resource().get("4328534c-e9a6-4ea4-8b37-7464653bd958")
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
>   File 
> "/home/ubuntu/Projects/ENV4/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/arches/app/models/entity.py",
> line 111, in get
>     self.append_child(Entity().get(child_entity.entityidrange_id, entity))
>   File 
> "/home/ubuntu/Projects/ENV4/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/arches/app/models/entity.py",
> line 106, in get
>     self.property = relation.ruleid.propertyid_id
>   File 
> "/home/ubuntu/Projects/ENV4/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/db/models/fields/related.py",
> line 318, in __get__
>     rel_obj = qs.get()
>   File 
> "/home/ubuntu/Projects/ENV4/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/db/models/query.py",
> line 301, in get
>     num = len(clone)
>   File 
> "/home/ubuntu/Projects/ENV4/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/db/models/query.py",
> line 77, in __len__
>     self._fetch_all()
>   File 
> "/home/ubuntu/Projects/ENV4/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/db/models/query.py",
> line 854, in _fetch_all
>     self._result_cache = list(self.iterator())
>   File 
> "/home/ubuntu/Projects/ENV4/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/db/models/query.py",
> line 220, in iterator
>     for row in compiler.results_iter():
>   File 
> "/home/ubuntu/Projects/ENV4/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/db/models/sql/compiler.py",
> line 709, in results_iter
>     for rows in self.execute_sql(MULTI):
>   File 
> "/home/ubuntu/Projects/ENV4/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/db/models/sql/compiler.py",
> line 782, in execute_sql
>     cursor.execute(sql, params)
>   File 
> "/home/ubuntu/Projects/ENV4/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/db/backends/util.py",
> line 69, in execute
>     return super(CursorDebugWrapper, self).execute(sql, params)
>   File 
> "/home/ubuntu/Projects/ENV4/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/db/backends/util.py",
> line 53, in execute
>     return self.cursor.execute(sql, params)
>   File 
> "/home/ubuntu/Projects/ENV4/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/db/utils.py",
> line 99, in __exit__
>     six.reraise(dj_exc_type, dj_exc_value, traceback)
>   File 
> "/home/ubuntu/Projects/ENV4/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/django/db/backends/util.py",
> line 53, in execute
>     return self.cursor.execute(sql, params)
> ProgrammingError: relation "rules" does not exist
> LINE 1: ...les"."entitytyperange", "rules"."propertyid" FROM "rules" WH...
>                                                              ^
> >>>
> On Tuesday, April 23, 2019 at 5:12:24 AM UTC+8, Adam Cox wrote:
>> Oops, that's my fault. Try
>> a = Resource().get(uuid)
>> instead.
>> On Mon, Apr 22, 2019 at 3:56 PM Joel Aldor <joel...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> This is the error that I get:
>>> >>> from arches.app.models.resource import Resource
>>> >>> a = Resource.get("4328534c-e9a6-4ea4-8b37-7464653bd958")
>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>   File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
>>> TypeError: unbound method get() must be called with Resource instance as 
>>> first argument (got str instance instead)
>>> On Tuesday, April 23, 2019 at 4:48:51 AM UTC+8, Adam Cox wrote:
>>>> Ah, ok, so that all looks good. You could even remove the engine, 
>>>> schemas and port lines from your file as they are set in the Arches file 
>>>> identical to how you have them here.
>>>> Could you now try the following? First, in a browser navigate to one of 
>>>> the resources in your database that you are trying to export, and copy the 
>>>> UUID in the address bar (this is the resource's unique id).
>>>> Now, in the command line with the new virtual env activated, run
>>>> python manage.py shell
>>>> to open the python interpreter with all of your django settings.
>>>> Now try:
>>>> from arches.app.models.resource import Resource
>>>> a = Resource.get("<paste in the uuid here")
>>>> to see if you get an error there.
>>>> For context, I believe the error you are seeing is from this try/except 
>>>> block, and I'm not sure what is causing it, but it would be good to narrow 
>>>> it down... 
>>>> https://github.com/archesproject/arches/blob/stable/3.x/arches/app/utils/data_management/resources/formats/archesjson.py#L32
>>>> Adam
>>>> On Mon, Apr 22, 2019 at 3:26 PM Joel Aldor <joel...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> DATABASES['default']['NAME'] = 'arches_phm2app'
>>>>> DATABASES['default']['HOST'] = 'philippineheritagemap.org'
>>>>> DATABASES['default']['ENGINE'] = 
>>>>> 'django.contrib.gis.db.backends.postgis'
>>>>> DATABASES['default']['PORT'] = '5432'
>>>>> DATABASES['default']['USER'] = 'postgres'
>>>>> ROOT_URLCONF = 'phm2app.urls'
>>>>> DATABASES['default']['POSTGIS_TEMPLATE'] = 'template_postgis_20'
>>>>> DATABASES['default']['PASSWORD'] = 'XXXXXXXX'
>>>>> DATABASES['default']['SCHEMAS'] = 'public,data,ontology,concepts'
>>>>> On Tuesday, April 23, 2019 at 4:22:12 AM UTC+8, Adam Cox wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Joel, can you please post the db settings you have now just so 
>>>>>> we're on the same page (sans sensitive info of course)?
>>>>>> On Mon, Apr 22, 2019 at 3:06 PM Joel Aldor <joel...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Adam,
>>>>>>> I just did that, and it threw the same info and same export files as 
>>>>>>> the last one.
>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>> Joel
>>>>>>> On Tuesday, April 23, 2019 at 3:35:34 AM UTC+8, Adam Cox wrote:
>>>>>>>> Ok, I guess it depends on whether you overwrote the entire 
>>>>>>>> DATABASES variable, or if you just changed a few specific values. As 
>>>>>>>> an 
>>>>>>>> example of the latter, you can see here how the 'default' db 
>>>>>>>> definition 
>>>>>>>> isn't overwritten entirely, only a few of its settings (this is 
>>>>>>>> preferable).
>>>>>>>> DATABASES['default']['HOST'] = 'yourdbdomain.com'
>>>>>>>> DATABASES['default']['USER'] = 'username'
>>>>>>>> DATABASES['default']['PASSWORD'] = 'XXXXXXXX'
>>>>>>>> However, if you have something like this in settings.py:
>>>>>>>> DATABASES = {
>>>>>>>>     "default": {
>>>>>>>>         'ENGINE': 'django.contrib.gis.db.backends.postgis',
>>>>>>>>         'NAME': 'arches',
>>>>>>>>         'USER': ' username',
>>>>>>>>         'PASSWORD': ' XXXXXXXX ',
>>>>>>>>         'HOST': ' yourdbdomain.com',
>>>>>>>>         'PORT': '5432',
>>>>>>>>         'SCHEMAS': 'public,data,ontology,concepts',
>>>>>>>>         'POSTGIS_TEMPLATE': 'template_postgis_20',
>>>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>> you are completely overwriting any of the db parameters that Arches 
>>>>>>>> defines by default. In this case you'll need to make sure that all of 
>>>>>>>> the 
>>>>>>>> necessary parameters (shown above) are included in your new 
>>>>>>>> definition, not 
>>>>>>>> just the ones you want to change. Specifically, I'm thinking that you 
>>>>>>>> don't 
>>>>>>>> have the SCHEMAS parameter.
>>>>>>>> Adam
>>>>>>>> On Mon, Apr 22, 2019 at 2:18 PM Joel Aldor <joel...@gmail.com> 
>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Hi Adam, I did change the DATABASES setting to point to our 
>>>>>>>>> phm2app production instance, as well as the ROOT_URLCONF setting. 
>>>>>>>>> But I don't see a settings_local.py file on my 3.1.2 installation.
>>>>>>>>> On Tuesday, April 23, 2019 at 1:21:52 AM UTC+8, Adam Cox wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Hi Joel, have you changed your DATABASES setting at all? I have a 
>>>>>>>>>> guess at what the issue may be, but it would be best to start with 
>>>>>>>>>> knowing 
>>>>>>>>>> exactly what is in your settings.py and settings_local.py files for 
>>>>>>>>>> databases (excluding passwords of course).
>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Apr 20, 2019 at 8:12 PM Joel Aldor <joel...@gmail.com> 
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Adam,
>>>>>>>>>>> OK, so I found out that the subsequent runs of the 
>>>>>>>>>>> export_resources command gave me which libraries are missing, and I 
>>>>>>>>>>> installed rdflib and SPARQLWrapper via pip. Now I tried to run 
>>>>>>>>>>> again the 
>>>>>>>>>>> command and it gives me this info:
>>>>>>>>>>> (ENV4)ubuntu@PHMARCHES3PROD:~/Projects/phmapp312test$ python 
>>>>>>>>>>> manage.py packages -o export_resources -d v3fullexport.json
>>>>>>>>>>> operation: export_resources
>>>>>>>>>>> package: phmapp312test
>>>>>>>>>>> Writing 5290 HERITAGE_RESOURCE.E18 resources
>>>>>>>>>>> relation "strings" does not exist
>>>>>>>>>>> LINE 1: SELECT "strings"."entityid", "strings"."val" FROM 
>>>>>>>>>>> "strings" ...
>>>>>>>>>>>                                                           ^
>>>>>>>>>>>  : 5274
>>>>>>>>>>> Writing 3712 INFORMATION_RESOURCE.E73 resources
>>>>>>>>>>> relation "strings" does not exist
>>>>>>>>>>> LINE 1: SELECT "strings"."entityid", "strings"."val" FROM 
>>>>>>>>>>> "strings" ...
>>>>>>>>>>>                                                           ^
>>>>>>>>>>>  : 3712
>>>>>>>>>>> Writing 2 ACTIVITY.E7 resources
>>>>>>>>>>> relation "strings" does not exist
>>>>>>>>>>> LINE 1: SELECT "strings"."entityid", "strings"."val" FROM 
>>>>>>>>>>> "strings" ...
>>>>>>>>>>>                                                           ^
>>>>>>>>>>>  : 2
>>>>>>>>>>> Writing 4 HISTORICAL_EVENT.E5 resources
>>>>>>>>>>> relation "strings" does not exist
>>>>>>>>>>> LINE 1: SELECT "strings"."entityid", "strings"."val" FROM 
>>>>>>>>>>> "strings" ...
>>>>>>>>>>>                                                           ^
>>>>>>>>>>>  : 4
>>>>>>>>>>> Writing 7 HERITAGE_RESOURCE_GROUP.E27 resources
>>>>>>>>>>> relation "domains" does not exist
>>>>>>>>>>> LINE 1: SELECT "domains"."entityid", "domains"."val" FROM 
>>>>>>>>>>> "domains" ...
>>>>>>>>>>>                                                           ^
>>>>>>>>>>>  : 6
>>>>>>>>>>> Writing 8 ACTOR.E39 resources
>>>>>>>>>>> relation "rules" does not exist
>>>>>>>>>>> LINE 1: ...les"."entitytyperange", "rules"."propertyid" FROM "
>>>>>>>>>>> rules" WH...
>>>>>>>>>>>                                                              ^
>>>>>>>>>>>  : 8
>>>>>>>>>>> The subsequent v3fullexport.json file has more strings, but most 
>>>>>>>>>>> of it has "null" on it:
>>>>>>>>>>> {"resources":[{"form_groups":null,"child_entities":[],"label":""
>>>>>>>>>>> ,"value":"","entitytypeid":"HERITAGE_RESOURCE.E18","entityid":
>>>>>>>>>>> "70576571-58f2-4922-aac4-3033cd724a15","property":"",
>>>>>>>>>>> "businesstablename":""},{"form_groups":null,"child_entities":[],
>>>>>>>>>>> "label":"","value":"","entitytypeid":"HERITAGE_RESOURCE.E18",
>>>>>>>>>>> "entityid":"216a290b-9bc6-4a3c-8066-7e0b776a4b6d","property":"",
>>>>>>>>>>> "businesstablename":""},{"form_groups":null,"child_entities":[],
>>>>>>>>>>> "label":"","value":"","entitytypeid":"HERITAGE_RESOURCE.E18",
>>>>>>>>>>> "entityid":"fc2a1c29-0d5e-44c9-b7ff-73fd3f3712ba","property":"",
>>>>>>>>>>> "businesstablename":""},{"form_groups":null,"child_entities":[],
>>>>>>>>>>> "label":"","value":"","entitytypeid":"HERITAGE_RESOURCE.E18",
>>>>>>>>>>> "entityid":"5470886e-92da-48c8-9e7e-0cb9f6a0f3cf","property":"",
>>>>>>>>>>> "businesstablename":""},{"form_groups":null,"child_entities":[],
>>>>>>>>>>> "label":"","value":"","entitytypeid":"HERITAGE_RESOURCE.E18",
>>>>>>>>>>> "entityid":"a67a5cb7-57e6-4d61-8d13-6bf27e327dab","property":"",
>>>>>>>>>>> "businesstablename":""},{"form_groups":null,"child_entities":[],
>>>>>>>>>>> "label":"","value":"","entitytypeid":"HERITAGE_RESOURCE.E18",
>>>>>>>>>>> "entityid":"188c9c73-242c-4dba-bebb-d72f7924303d","property":"",
>>>>>>>>>>> "businesstablename":""},{"form_groups":null,"child_entities":[],
>>>>>>>>>>> "label":"","value":"","entitytypeid":"HERITAGE_RESOURCE.E18",
>>>>>>>>>>> "entityid":"9dc90525-2f98-493e-97b9-73b9234defbe","property":"",
>>>>>>>>>>> "businesstablename":""},{"form_groups":null,"child_entities":[],
>>>>>>>>>>> "label":"","value":"","entitytypeid":"HERITAGE_RESOURCE.E18",
>>>>>>>>>>> "entityid":"56e375cf-3ff7-47fd-a198-15dcd107d984","property":"",
>>>>>>>>>>> "businesstablename":""},{"form_groups":null,"child_entities":[],
>>>>>>>>>>> "label":"","value":"","entitytypeid":"HERITAGE_RESOURCE.E18",
>>>>>>>>>>> "entityid":"30cc57e1-0425-48a6-9ee3-a2445a93d6a9","property":"",
>>>>>>>>>>> "businesstablename":""},{"form_groups":null,"child_entities":[],
>>>>>>>>>>> "label":"","value":"","entitytypeid":"HERITAGE_RESOURCE.E18",
>>>>>>>>>>> "entityid":"bfd47a61-4f6f-49ca-ad35-33c5a8e148b2","property":"",
>>>>>>>>>>> "businesstablename":""},{"form_groups":null,"child_entities":[],
>>>>>>>>>>> "label":"","value":"","entitytypeid":"HERITAGE_RESOURCE.E18",
>>>>>>>>>>> "entityid":"a396985d-79d2-426a-be2e-c170d2e4ca34","property":"",
>>>>>>>>>>> "businesstablename":""},{"form_groups":null,"child_entities":[],
>>>>>>>>>>> "label":"","value":"","entitytypeid":"HERITAGE_RESOURCE.E18",
>>>>>>>>>>> "entityid":"6ed80815-33d2-4dff-a39c-451126529756","property":"",
>>>>>>>>>>> "businesstablename":""},{"form_groups":null,"child_entities":[],
>>>>>>>>>>> "label":"","value":"","entitytypeid":"HERITAGE_RESOURCE.E18",
>>>>>>>>>>> "entityid":"92c85fd4-f41f-4464-a6f3-4ac907951de8","property":"",
>>>>>>>>>>> "businesstablename":""},{"form_groups":null,"child_entities":[],
>>>>>>>>>>> "label":"","value":"","entitytypeid":"HERITAGE_RESOURCE.E18",
>>>>>>>>>>> "entityid":"dec01562-3061-43e3-819c-f33f3da1b02f","property":"",
>>>>>>>>>>> "businesstablename":""},{"form_groups":null,"child_entities":[],
>>>>>>>>>>> "label":"","value":"","entitytypeid":"HERITAGE_RESOURCE.E18",
>>>>>>>>>>> "entityid":"671c624b-bb2e-47d4-ac70-3938314f8781","property":"",
>>>>>>>>>>> "businesstablename":""},{"form_groups":null,"child_entities":[],
>>>>>>>>>>> "label":"","value":"","entitytypeid":"HERITAGE_RESOURCE.E18",
>>>>>>>>>>> "entityid":"20c362a4-e7d1-4fe1-995a-9151fefa9921","property":"",
>>>>>>>>>>> "businesstablename":""},{"form_groups":null,"child_entities":[],
>>>>>>>>>>> "label":"","value":"","entitytypeid":
>>>>>>>>>>> "HERITAGE_RESOURCE_GROUP.E27","entityid":
>>>>>>>>>>> "9a003427-6a66-4283-b420-6a5744d7cfb9","property":"",
>>>>>>>>>>> "businesstablename":""}]}
>>>>>>>>>>> Not sure at this point what to do next. Please let me know what 
>>>>>>>>>>> to look further.
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>> Joel
>>>>>>>>>>> On Sunday, April 21, 2019 at 9:01:39 AM UTC+8, Joel Aldor wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Adam,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Tried installing Pillow, version installed is 6.0.0. Then I ran 
>>>>>>>>>>>> the export_resources command again. Still produced the same export 
>>>>>>>>>>>> files 
>>>>>>>>>>>> with empty resources file.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Joel
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sunday, April 21, 2019 at 8:50:38 AM UTC+8, Adam Cox wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Joel, if you have the new virtual environment activated you 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> want have to change the settings file at all.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> The PIL error indicates that that python library (and 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> potentially others) didn't install correctly... Not sure why. You 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> could try 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> pip installing PIL. I can't look it up right now but it may be 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> actually be 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> called Pillow in pip.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Adam
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Apr 20, 2019, 7:37 PM Joel Aldor <joel...@gmail.com> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Adam,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'd like to think we need to explicitly point the settings.py 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> to our phm2app instance in order for the export_resources 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> command to run 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> properly, but I'm not sure which parts I will need to edit, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> apart from the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DATABASES settings. You think this might be the problem?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Joel
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sunday, April 21, 2019 at 8:25:41 AM UTC+8, Joel Aldor 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Adam,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I tried to install arches v3.1.2 and pointed the instance 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> into our existing database on settings.py, then I ran the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> export_resources 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> command, which produced those export files. However, the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> console update 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gave me this info:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (ENV4)ubuntu@PHMARCHES3PROD:~/Projects/phmapp312test$ 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> python manage.py packages -o export_resources -d 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> v3fullexport.json
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> operation: export_resources
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> package: phmapp312test
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Writing 5290 HERITAGE_RESOURCE.E18 resources
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> No module named PIL : 5290
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Writing 3712 INFORMATION_RESOURCE.E73 resources
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> No module named PIL : 3712
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Writing 2 ACTIVITY.E7 resources
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> No module named PIL : 2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Writing 4 HISTORICAL_EVENT.E5 resources
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> No module named PIL : 4
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Writing 7 HERITAGE_RESOURCE_GROUP.E27 resources
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> No module named PIL : 7
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Writing 8 ACTOR.E39 resources
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> No module named PIL : 8
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> When I checked the v3fullexport.json file it was almost 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> empty. All it has inside the file is this string:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> {"resources":[]}
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The v3fullexport.relations file is full of all the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> relationships.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have a feeling I might be missing something here. Please 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> let me know what I should do further. Thank you.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Joel
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Saturday, April 20, 2019 at 8:59:12 PM UTC+8, Adam Cox 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Joel, indeed, exporting the v3 resources is a crucial 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> step in the migration process!!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm unable to look into this deeply right now but I have a 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> feeling that this means you don't have the latest version of 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Arches 3, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> which is 3.1.2. When I can, I'll look back through the version 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> history and 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> see where that command was introduced.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm the meantime, you could create a new virtual 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> environment and explicitly install arches 3.1.2 into that 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> environment with
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pip install arches==3.1.2
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Then activate that new environment and try exporting again. 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> This would leave your old env untouched.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Adam
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sat, Apr 20, 2019, 6:23 AM Joel Aldor <joel...@gmail.com> 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> We're supposed to migrate our v3 data into v4 this Easter 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> weekend using the instructions from this link 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <https://arches.readthedocs.io/en/stable/exporting-v3-data/>, 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> but we ran into a problem. Apparently, our v3 instance 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> doesn't have the 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> export_resources option when we execute this command:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> (ENV)ubuntu@PHMARCHES3PROD:~/Projects/phm2app$ python 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> manage.py packages -o export_resources -d v3fullexport.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> json
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Usage: manage.py packages [options]
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> manage.py: error: option -o: invalid choice: 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'export_resources' (choose from 'setup', 'install', 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'setup_db', 'start_elasticsearch', 'setup_elasticsearch', 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'build_permissions', 'livereload', 'load_resources', 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'remove_resources', 'load_concept_scheme', 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'index_database', 'export_resource_graphs')
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> How can I export the business data from here?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you,
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Joel
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