Alas, Gentlemen, neither effort returned anything. In PGADMIN4, I ran both 
of the following with no results returned:


a.resourceinstanceid, as card_name

FROM tiles a

JOIN cards b on a.nodegroupid = b.nodegroupid


 and tiledata::text like '%|%'

set standard_conforming_strings=on;


a.resourceinstanceid, as card_name

FROM tiles a

JOIN cards b on a.nodegroupid = b.nodegroupid


 and tiledata::text like E'%xa6%'

In the python shell I ran the following with no results returned:

from import Tile
tiles = Tile.objects.all()
for tile in tiles:

  for value in

    if isinstance(value, unicode):
      if "|" in value:
        print tile.resourceinstance_id

At least you are agreed, there is no there there. Just for grins, I reran 
the export business data command and got the same error as shown in the 
first post in this thread. As a final effort, I ran the following and got 
more than 10,000 results, since that's all that stayed in the terminal 

from import Tile

tiles = Tile.objects.all()

for tile in tiles:

  for value in

    if isinstance(value, unicode):

      print tile.resourceinstance_id, value

Below is a partial list of the results. I don't see anything suspicious in 
the values, but I see that these few resources have multiple entries in 
this list. I don't know if that's because this list list is a complete dump 
of all 1M+ cards or if there's something to see here. I ran reports on a 
few of these and found nothing amiss.

fd44f81a-14b1-41f9-b33a-d66c66a960ec 33595d18-c941-4a4b-91e8-0fa08e229c4d
52c5f05e-1827-4b06-909b-9a66ff3e6e95 3db588f4-2384-4cbe-b429-5c63630b9b9d
52c5f05e-1827-4b06-909b-9a66ff3e6e95 138B177    25
52c5f05e-1827-4b06-909b-9a66ff3e6e95 08130495-9729-46fa-8a3b-2dfa97286ab9
52c5f05e-1827-4b06-909b-9a66ff3e6e95 679152
fd44f81a-14b1-41f9-b33a-d66c66a960ec 0997ad7a-ad94-43b3-b662-8945c6c1b10e
fd44f81a-14b1-41f9-b33a-d66c66a960ec fd44f81a-14b1-41f9-b33a-d66c66a960ec
52c5f05e-1827-4b06-909b-9a66ff3e6e95 f5d15b7d-da92-4b63-82a1-8632b361e860
fd44f81a-14b1-41f9-b33a-d66c66a960ec 3db588f4-2384-4cbe-b429-5c63630b9b9d
fd44f81a-14b1-41f9-b33a-d66c66a960ec 117B181   568
99b6ae9f-a061-46f4-b69c-f6f4b43ad69a 6137 E GARRISON DR
99b6ae9f-a061-46f4-b69c-f6f4b43ad69a 209c5206-eb2f-406e-b42e-288f84680a4a
52c5f05e-1827-4b06-909b-9a66ff3e6e95 411 N SPAULDING AVE
52c5f05e-1827-4b06-909b-9a66ff3e6e95 209c5206-eb2f-406e-b42e-288f84680a4a
fd44f81a-14b1-41f9-b33a-d66c66a960ec 3939 S URSULA AVE
fd44f81a-14b1-41f9-b33a-d66c66a960ec 209c5206-eb2f-406e-b42e-288f84680a4a
29a5a1ce-bfd1-4f8a-90a8-41e76b337558 2608 S ORCHARD AVE
29a5a1ce-bfd1-4f8a-90a8-41e76b337558 ad7fce52-1185-4ad8-bc65-e100de19be96
52c5f05e-1827-4b06-909b-9a66ff3e6e95 Orange Grove Avenue-Gardner Street 
Multi-Family Residential Historic District - Contributor
52c5f05e-1827-4b06-909b-9a66ff3e6e95 efd0fd4d-ebcf-4e7d-801f-0dc036a0c1b3
fd44f81a-14b1-41f9-b33a-d66c66a960ec Baldwin Plaza-Sunset Fields Historic 
District - Contributor
fd44f81a-14b1-41f9-b33a-d66c66a960ec efd0fd4d-ebcf-4e7d-801f-0dc036a0c1b3

So, is there a middle ground here, where I can get more than nothing and 
less than all? Is there a way for me to log the bad records and continue 
with the export nonetheless?

Somehow, I need to correct the issues and successfully export data from the 

Thanks in advance,

On Wednesday, October 2, 2019 at 10:40:31 AM UTC-7, Martha S wrote:
> Thank you,to both Adams.
> I will run both suggestions. Both are helpful to my ongoing database 
> activities. The more approaches in my toolbox, the better.
> It is great to know that the cards can be treated as flat files with 
> tiledata; I missed that somehow. Iterating through each record with the ORM 
> approach in the python shell is a new entry point for me.
> I shall report back later today.
> Martha
> On Tuesday, October 1, 2019 at 10:57:40 PM UTC-7, Adam Cox wrote:
>> Another approach would be to use the django ORM in the python shell.
>> From your project run
>> python shell
>> Now you can paste this code in
>> from import Tile
>> tiles = Tile.objects.all()
>> for tile in tiles:
>>   for value in
>>     if isinstance(value, unicode):
>>       if "|" in value:
>>         print tile.resourceinstance_id
>>         print value
>> Adam
>> On Tue, Oct 1, 2019 at 11:26 PM Adam Lodge <> wrote:
>>> I realized that I inadvertently took this discussion offline to just 
>>> Martha and I.  Here's some missing thread:
>>> Martha,
>>> (I think) you can issue this sql statement against the Postgres database 
>>> behind arches to identify the specific resource instance and “card” that 
>>> contains a given offending character:
>>> a.resourceinstanceid,
>>> as card_name
>>> FROM tiles a
>>> JOIN cards b on a.nodegroupid = b.nodegroupid
>>> WHERE 1=1
>>>  and tiledata::text like '%|%’
>>> Note that the offending character you search for will be defined on the 
>>> last line surrounded by wildcards.  
>>> With the resourceinstanceid value, you can construct a url that will 
>>> take you strait to the resource editor for that specific resource instance… 
>>> like this:
>>> https://[hostname]/resource/[resourceinstanceid]
>>> You can use the card value to navigate to the specific card (or form) 
>>> that has the field with the offending value.
>>> It’s a kinda manual approach to fixing them, but at least you can sniff 
>>> them out with this approach.
>>> Best,
>>> Adam
>>> ---
>>> Adam Lodge
>>> Geospatial Systems Consultant
>>> Farallon Geographics
>>> On Oct 1, 2019, at 7:10 PM, Martha Selig <> wrote:
>>> Adam,
>>> I'm talking about the Arches database, though I am open to any 
>>> suggestion as to simplifying this task. I am unable to export to CSV 
>>> because of this symbol, but a flat file would definitely be the easiest way 
>>> to look for and replace/delete it no matter where it is found.I would like 
>>> to deal with this issue one time, if at all possible. We're starting a 
>>> cycle of reviewing, updating, and correcting data and I'm stuck at the 
>>> starting gate.
>>> Tomorrow I'm going to try to query just the records needed for the first 
>>> pass -- resources that don't have geographies defined -- and see if I can 
>>> export those somehow. If I'm lucky, none of the records I need will have 
>>> '|' in them, so I can get a CSV. At least I can get the client going.
>>> Any help would be greatly appreciated. That would include, I suppose, 
>>> some  info on modifying the export code to skip to the next entry when this 
>>> error is triggered. I haven't taken a look at the code to see how 
>>> straightforward that might be, but if I could log the problem record and 
>>> keep on going, that would be swell. I wasn't thinking I'd be altering core 
>>> code but if that keeps me going, why not?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Martha
>>> On Tue, Oct 1, 2019 at 5:59 PM Adam Lodge <> wrote:
>>>> Are you searching an Arches database, or just table in a given RDBMS, 
>>>> or a flat file of some sort?
>>>> ---
>>>> Adam Lodge
>>>> On Oct 1, 2019, at 2:49 PM, Martha S <> wrote:
>>>> Do anyone have a recommendation for the best way to go through the 
>>>> database of >110,000 records to find all instances of the '|' in any field 
>>>> it might occur? I am told this was the delimiter used in .arches files, so 
>>>> there could be other instances sprinkled throughout the database.
>>>> Needle in a haystack time. 
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Martha
>>> On Tuesday, October 1, 2019 at 2:49:10 PM UTC-7, Martha S wrote:
>>>> Do anyone have a recommendation for the best way to go through the 
>>>> database of >110,000 records to find all instances of the '|' in any field 
>>>> it might occur? I am told this was the delimiter used in .arches files, so 
>>>> there could be other instances sprinkled throughout the database.
>>>> Needle in a haystack time. 
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Martha
>>>> On Tuesday, October 1, 2019 at 10:35:47 AM UTC-7, Martha S wrote:
>>>>> Thank you, Alexi,
>>>>> I'll just have to hope that's the only "special" character in the 
>>>>> data. 
>>>>> Martha
>>>>> On Friday, September 27, 2019 at 5:13:59 PM UTC-7, Martha S wrote:
>>>>>> I am trying to export all the data for a particular resource model to 
>>>>>> CSV for review and modification and ran into an error during the process 
>>>>>> -- UnicodeEncodeError: 
>>>>>> 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xa6' in position 51: ordinal not 
>>>>>> in 
>>>>>> range(128)
>>>>>> *My command*
>>>>>> python packages -o export_business_data -d 
>>>>>> '/hpladata/Projects/Downloads/Historic District Mapping Files' -f 
>>>>>> 'csv' -c '/hpladata/Projects/Downloads/Historic District Mapping 
>>>>>> Files/Historic District.mapping' 
>>>>>> *Here's the full error dump*
>>>>>> operation: export_business_data
>>>>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>>>>   File "", line 29, in <module>
>>>>>>     execute_from_command_line(sys.argv)
>>>>>>   File 
>>>>>> "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/core/management/",
>>>>>> line 364, in execute_from_command_line
>>>>>>     utility.execute()
>>>>>>   File 
>>>>>> "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/core/management/",
>>>>>> line 356, in execute
>>>>>>     self.fetch_command(subcommand).run_from_argv(self.argv)
>>>>>>   File 
>>>>>> "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/core/management/", 
>>>>>> line 283, in run_from_argv
>>>>>>     self.execute(*args, **cmd_options)
>>>>>>   File 
>>>>>> "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/core/management/", 
>>>>>> line 330, in execute
>>>>>>     output = self.handle(*args, **options)
>>>>>>   File "/Projects/prod/arches/arches/management/commands/", 
>>>>>> line 190, in handle
>>>>>>     self.export_business_data(options['dest_dir'], 
>>>>>> options['format'], options['config_file'], options['graphs'], 
>>>>>> options['single_file'])
>>>>>>   File "/Projects/prod/arches/arches/management/commands/", 
>>>>>> line 770, in export_business_data
>>>>>>     data = resource_exporter.export(graph_id=graph, 
>>>>>> resourceinstanceids=None)
>>>>>>   File 
>>>>>> "/Projects/prod/arches/arches/app/utils/data_management/resources/",
>>>>>> line 37, in export
>>>>>>     resources = self.writer.write_resources(graph_id=graph_id, 
>>>>>> resourceinstanceids=resourceinstanceids)
>>>>>>   File 
>>>>>> "/Projects/prod/arches/arches/app/utils/data_management/resources/formats/",
>>>>>> line 194, in write_resources
>>>>>>     csvs_for_export = csvs_for_export + self.write_resource_relations(
>>>>>> file_name=self.file_name)
>>>>>>   File 
>>>>>> "/Projects/prod/arches/arches/app/utils/data_management/resources/formats/",
>>>>>> line 215, in write_resource_relations
>>>>>>     csvwriter.writerow({k:str(v) for k,v in relation.items()})
>>>>>>   File 
>>>>>> "/Projects/prod/arches/arches/app/utils/data_management/resources/formats/",
>>>>>> line 215, in <dictcomp>
>>>>>>     csvwriter.writerow({k:str(v) for k,v in relation.items()})
>>>>>> UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xa6' in 
>>>>>> position 51: ordinal not in range(128)
>>>>>> Any suggestions?
>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>> Martha
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