Hi All,

Please find the below mentioned points which discussed at the meeting held
on 12/03/2014 regarding Visual DataMapper.

*Participants*: Sanjiva, Isabelle, Shankar, Srinath, Jaminda , Kasun,
Dushan, Jasintha, Viraj, Susinda, AsankaS, GayanK, Sohani


   - Deadline of first milestone for Data Mapper is 17/03/2014. For this
   milestone there should be a working solution to implement real world
   mapping such as Salesforce to Google Spreadsheet mapping. There are some
   improvements needs to be done in visual editor aspects as well as in Data
   Mapper engine aspects to accomplish this.

   - This milestone can be basically divided into 4 main tasks.

   1. Graphical User interface - Implement a way to develop the input and
   output types from the scratch using Data Mapper editor.
   2. Graphical User interface - Ability to do the mapping properly for
   provided input and output types.
   3. Generate data mapping configuration according to the mapping done by
   user in graphical editor.
   4. Fix the existing issues in Data Mapper Engine.

   - For the initial step we will use the behavior of Class Mediator for
   the Data Mapper mediator. (Underlying logic for Data Mapper mediator would
   be as same as Class mediator for the first milestone.) Data Mapper Mediator
   will invoke Data Mapper Engine by passing required parameters to the Engine
   to do the actual mapping.

   - For the first milestone we will consider only XML to XML mapping.

   - In Data Mapper anything to anything can be mapped as long as input and
   output types are equal. (Eg: String to String, Type-A to Type-A etc.)

   - There can be situations where a certain 'type mapping' (map T1 to T2)
   have already been done by a previous mapping. When user is doing a mapping
   which has T1 to T2 mapping in his future mappings, editor should know how
   to map T1 and T2 as this type mapping has already been done previously. We
   will not consider this for Milestone 1.

   - User should be able to test the Data mapping done with Developer
   Studio within Developer Studio. We will not consider this for Milestone 1.

Thanks and Regards,

Sohani Weerasinghe
Software Engineer
WSO2, Inc: http://wso2.com

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