So défault URL defaults to the latest API version available?

And we allow users to configure what API version is default, in case latest
is not the greatest?


Samisa Abeysinghe

Vice President Developer Evangelism

WSO2 Inc.

On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 11:31 AM, Nuwan Dias <> wrote:

> Hi,
> All APIs currently being created on the API Manager require a version
> attribute to be present. This version is required to be present in the API
> invocation url following the API context. For example if there is an API
> such that its context=/twitter, version=1.0.0 and resource=/search, the API
> invocation url will be similar to
> http://host:port*/twitter/1.0.0*/search
> Given an API with several versions, this discussion is to allow 1 API out
> of the group to exist without a version. This API will be referred to as
> the 'default' version API.
> So if there are APIs as /twitter/1.0.0, /twitter/2.0.0, etc. It will be
> allowed to have 1 API as /twitter. Whenever a user attempts to access an
> API without the version value in the url, the default API version will be
> invoked.
> The Publisher UI should be tweaked in such a way that it will remove the
> mandatory nature of the version field and make the user either provide a
> version or mark the API as the default version API. Necessary checks need
> to be done to ensure that there cannot be two default versions of the same
> API and the same checks need to run when copying APIs as well.
> Thanks,
> NuwanD.
> --
> Nuwan Dias
> Senior Software Engineer - WSO2, Inc.
> email :
> Phone : +94 777 775 729
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