Looks good for me please proceed.


On Tue, Apr 22, 2014 at 6:25 PM, Seshika Fernando <sesh...@wso2.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> After researching on how to handle seasonality in regression, I have the
> following findings.
> 1. Can use dummy variables to capture seasonality. The user needs to add
> dummy variables to the input stream to capture and quantify seasonality in
> the regression equation. Therefore, this does not have to be explicitly
> implemented since it will be a user input to the generic regression
> function.
>            eg:- If there is a quarterly pattern, user 3 dummy variables to
> denote the 4 quarters. (dummy variables are binary variables)
> 2. If seasonality is continuous (i.e. not discrete) for example sinusoidal
> or quadratic or exponential, then the regression equation ceases to be
> linear and we need to identify the functional form that fits the data set.
> Then using that functional form, the user needs to convert it to linear
> form, prior to sending the data set to the generic regression function.
>            eg:- if the dataset is of the form, y ~ Sin(x), then we need to
> create a new variable x1 = sin(x) so that we can fit the linear regression
> equation y = a + b * x1
> Once again, we don't have to implement anything in the regression
> function, since this adjustment needs to take place before the data set is
> sent to the regression function.
> 3. This brings us to the next point and the golden question: how does a
> user identify which functional form the dataset fits? Usually, we need to
> employ some sort of algorithm to fit a non-linear regression equation like
> Gauss-Newton or a graphing mechanism, which unfortunately is out of the
> scope of the CEP.
> *Next Steps*
> So considering the above findinds, here are the next steps.
> 1. Create Samples for the following
>      a) Plain old linear regression (simple and multivariate)
>      b) Linear regression with dummy variables
>      c) Linear regression on non-linear dataset, using siddhi queries to
> transform functional form to linear prior to sending data to regression
> function.
> 2. Document the above samples and complete function documentation
> 3. If and when we come across datasets that follow certain non-linear
> functional forms, create simple math functions in siddhi to convert data.
> eg:- Sin(x), power(x,n) etc;
> Thats the update as of now. Any thoughts? suggestions?
> Regards,
> Seshika


*S. Suhothayan*
Associate Technical Lead,
 *WSO2 Inc. *http://wso2.com
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lean . enterprise . middleware

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