Any Ideas on this?

Thanks & Regards
Danushka Fernando
Software Engineer
WSO2 inc.
Mobile : +94716332729

On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 4:02 PM, Danushka Fernando <>wrote:

> Hi all
> In user management area we have made lot of stuff extensible. We can write
> our own user store managers, tenant managers and authorization managers. So
> most of the time when we write a custom one we extend form an existing one.
> For example We implement
> tenant managers extended from JDBCTenantManager
> user store managers extended from ReadOnlyLDAPUserStoreManager /
> ReadWriteLDAPUserStoreManager.
> Because what we want to customize might not be the whole class. It could
> be a one operation of the class.
> Like that the implementation of Authorization Manager we can extend from
> is JDBCAuthorizationManager. But current implementation
> of JDBCAuthorizationManager is not extensible due to following reasons.
>    1. All the object level variables are private not protected.
>    2. Lot of methods of the class are private.
>    3. SearchResult class is visible only to the particular package.
> If we make all necessary private things protected, then some one can
> extend it and write his/her own Authorization Manager. Can we
> update JDBCAuthorizationManager code to make it extensible.
> Thanks & Regards
> Danushka Fernando
> Software Engineer
> WSO2 inc.
> Mobile : +94716332729
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