Are we going to insert whole message or as chunks
On 18 Jul 2014 18:06, "Asitha Nanayakkara" <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Following is the RDBMS design for WSO2 MB 3.0.0
> Messages model
> ​Message metadata model
> ​
> Following are the concerns came across in the discussion
> *- Why we use reference counting for message meta data?*
> Reference counting is needed to delete topic messages from the database
> reliably in a cluster deployment
> *-​ How to manage a large tables like Messages table?*
> for Messages table use database partitioning
> For Metadata queries there will be no SQL joins, hence even if the table
> would grow large that won't be an issue.
> Inserts and delete operation can be done as batch operations.
> *- Following option to save metadata was rejected due to following reasons*
> In the above design MB instance will create Node_Queue tables and
> Topic_Node_Queue
> tables when each node connects to a cluster. This design was rejected due
> to following reasons.
> It's DB admins tasks to create and delete tables. MB should not modify
> schema when joining to the cluster. There will be instances where MB users
> might not have privileges to create tables.
> *- Supporting several SQL implementations.*
> Since we are using simple SQL operations those will not become an issue.
> Thanks
> --
> *Asitha Nanayakkara*
> Software Engineer
> WSO2, Inc.
> Mob: + 94 77 85 30 682
> ​​
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