On Sat, Sep 6, 2014 at 1:52 PM, Faathima Fayaza <faath...@wso2.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> *Problem:*
> Currently, most of the functionalities supported via WSO2 Storage Sever
> are straight-forward but less in controllability.For example, in the
> current implementation if a user needs to create a database, they can
> simply create a database directly without having any approval processes and
>  if a user needs to drop a database, they can simply drop it without having
> to go through a proper approval cycle, etc.Therefore, to have better
> controllability need to have workflow support for provisioning related
> tasks.

Good problem statement! Let me too add a few things to this so it'll help
everyone understand why this is going to be an essential feature for
Storage Server.

Controllability of activities is key for pretty much any practical system.
Within the context of Storage Server, it deals with bridging the entities,
the end user (i.e database application developers) and resource provider
infrastructure (i.e. database servers) so that the end users can skip some
of the tedious processes associated with the infrastructure provisioning
related activities where they involve manual intervention of certain user
categories such as database administrators. This, typically allows database
application developers to achieve better SLAs in application development
together with quite a few other benefits. However, even though the Storage
Server automates those tasks and makes life easier for the end user, it
should also need to enforce proper controllability upon them to be able to
prevent any unnecessary resource manipulations as well as to achieve proper
infrastructure policy compliance within the resource provider environments.
This feature is intended to cater the aforementioned requirement, so that
whenever a "non-privileged" user tries to perform some activity which
requires prior approval from "privileged users" such as database
administrators, a proper approval acquisition process will be triggered as
part of the operation life cycle.


> *Plan  : *
> Implement the BPEL process and humantask for management
> functionalities(Ex: create database) support via WSO2 SS.
> When user involved management functionalities, WSO2 SS maintain process in
> intermediate stage and call WSO2 BPS workflow [BPEL] web service.
> WSO2 BPS workflow [BPEL] process create humanTask instance for the process.
> After the completion of humanTask call back to WSO2 SS process workflow
> Complete the process.
> Also WSO2 SS workflow extension going to support for multiple BPMN engines
> using it BPMN abstract layer and by default it will support for WSO2 BPS.
> *Design :​​*
>    1. Non-privileged user involved in to a WSO2 SS process [Ex : create
>    database].
>    2. WSO2 SS call the WSO2 BPS workflow [BPEL] web service.
>    3. BPEL process create humanTask instance in WSO2 BPS.
>    4. HumanTask instance will complete by the privileged user.
>    5. WSO2 BPS call back the WSO2 SS process.
>    6. Complete the process.
> Thanks,
> --
> Best Regards,
> M.S. Faathima Fayaza
> Software Engineering Intern
> WSO2 Inc.
> lean.enterprise.middleware.

Prabath Abeysekara
Associate Technical Lead, Data TG.
WSO2 Inc.
Email: praba...@wso2.com
Mobile: +94774171471
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