Hi Nandika,

Activiti documentation doesn't mention about the CATEGORY_ column. But they
have provided a method  to set values for the CATEGORY_ column.
In future they may use the column for different purposes or they may
deprecate this method.

Therefore as a safest option, we can use a new table to implement it. I
will try to work on the migration issue as well.


On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 10:54 AM, Nandika Jayawardana <nand...@wso2.com>

> Hi Firzhan,
> Does activiti documentation documents the CATEGORY_ column  as a not used
> column. Otherwise there could be some usage of it, even though we have not
> encountered it yet. If the documentation states that the column is not used
> and is there for implementing extensions, then its fine to use it.
> Otherwise, we should use another table to handle this. However, we should
> implement it in such a way that migration to new version of activiti
> should be straightforward.
> Regards
> Nandika
> On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 12:45 AM, Firzhan Naqash <firz...@wso2.com> wrote:
>> Hi All
>> We have started to work on storing the artifact related version
>> information in to process DB. Initially we are going to implement it to
>> BPMN.
>> We have identified two implementable approaches.
>> 1. We can use the internal available ACT_RE_DEPLOYMENT table's CATEGORY_
>> column to store the check-sum value. Currently actitviti engine itself
>> doesn't       stamp any value at all. If we can use this column, we can
>> easily update and perform data migrations without any issue. But the
>> downfall of this approach is           that, there is a probability for
>> this column being used internally  for activiti's own implementation on
>> subsequent releases.
>> 2. Next approach is to create a new table with in the activiti's database
>> schema. This table can be used to store information on versions.
>>     But the downfall of this approach is, we have to extend some of the
>> classes to enable *mybatis* to load some of external mapping classes.
>> Which way is the best approach to handle this scenario ?
>> Regards,
>> Firzhan
>> On Sat, Sep 13, 2014 at 1:58 PM, Nandika Jayawardana <nand...@wso2.com>
>> wrote:
>>> +1 to remove storing versioning information storing from registry. The
>>> method of making the registry read only for worker nodes has added
>>> unnecessary complexity to bps clustering. It also has led to many support
>>> issues due to wrong configurations. By storing the versioning data also in
>>> the bps persistence db  will reduce the configurations required for bps
>>> clustering in addition to providing easier maintenance and also likely to
>>> speedup the artifact deployment.
>>> Regards
>>> Nandika
>>> On Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 11:30 PM, Firzhan Naqash <firz...@wso2.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> In business process server, artifacts are deployed with a version
>>>> number.
>>>> In a clustered environment, in order to avoid the possibility of same
>>>> artifact having different version numbers assigned by both worker nodes and
>>>> master node,  we have to make sure that only the master node is allowed to
>>>> assign a version number to an artifact where as other worker nodes have to
>>>> simply use it.
>>>> This functionality is achieved in following way
>>>>    1. We stores the information like* md5 checksum* of a given
>>>>    artifact along with other details like package name etc ... in
>>>>    *Registry.*
>>>>    2. Only the master node has R/W permission over Registry. Therefore
>>>>    in order to detect the worker node and master node, we use the registry
>>>>    mounting config value R/O or R/W.
>>>>  of This kind of storage pattern came to usage some time ago where we
>>>> used to store everything in registry. But on the other hand using registry
>>>> to store the artifacts have caused following issues.
>>>>    1. We have to maintain information about a given artifact in 3
>>>>    locations ( file system, persistence store, and registry ).
>>>>    2. While when we are on the process of deploying artifacts, server
>>>>    might get killed. In this scenario, maintaining data in three different
>>>>    locations may create inconsistencies.
>>>>    3. The same inconsistency may occur when either one of the storage
>>>>    location get cleaned up.
>>>> Therefore as a solution for this, we thought of storing the information
>>>> on artifacts in corresponding DB (BPS_DB) rather than storing them in
>>>> registry.
>>>> Your thoughts and ideas are welcome.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Firzhan
>>> --
>>> Nandika Jayawardana
>>> Senior Technical Lead
>>> WSO2 Inc ; http://wso2.com
>>> lean.enterprise.middleware
> --
> Nandika Jayawardana
> Senior Technical Lead
> WSO2 Inc ; http://wso2.com
> lean.enterprise.middleware
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