
I've been testing the CAppDeployer functionality these days. One thing I
noticed was that the cleanup operation in CappAxis2Deployer is an empty
code block!

Usually, the cleanup operation of an axis2 deployer gets called during the
termination of ConfigurationContext. ie. during a tenant unload for
tenants, and during a server shutdown for super-tenant. Is there any
special reason we have not implemented this method?

I think we have to implement this method, and call the cleanup operation of
the deployers of artifacts packed inside the CApp. Further,
CappAxis2Deployer maintains a list of currently deployed CApps in the
tenant. We have to remove all these references too. Otherwise, this will
cause severe memory leaks, isn't it?




*Kasun Gajasinghe*Senior Software Engineer, WSO2 Inc.
email: kasung AT spamfree wso2.com
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