Hi All,

Moving on with Deployment Automation, we are evaluating a tool for
deploying cross platform setup in order to integrate with 3rd party
products with deployment framework.
Main concerns are

   1. Testing actoss multiple environments (OS, JVM, DBs etc).
   2. Limitness of resources to maintain seperate environments of different
   servers, JVMs, OS and diffeent versions of differnt serves.
   3. Eazy to manage configurations.
   4. Ability to work with open stack, EC2 and local networks.

Currently we are planning to eveluate Vagrant [1] based solution to achieve

As first phase we are planning to implement a solution based on Virtual box
and OpenStack.

[1]. https://www.vagrantup.com/

Thank You,

On Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 3:45 PM, Suhan Dharmasuriya <suh...@wso2.com> wrote:

> Thanks Manula.
> Will look for the possibility and move the central puppet config.pp file
> contents out of the module.
> Thanks,
> Suhan
> On Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 3:09 PM, Manula Waidyanatha <man...@wso2.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Suhan,
>> You have to use regex if you want to have different configurations for
>> each server (hostname). If you can move all the node specific data out of
>> the module (to node.pp or site.pp)
>> On Mon, Jan 5, 2015 at 10:45 AM, Suhan Dharmasuriya <suh...@wso2.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Test Automation team is currently in to R&D of deployment automation.
>>> Currently we are focusing on deployment of WSO2 Application Server
>>> clusters of worker manager pattern.
>>> As of now, we have configured deployment automation in a way that the
>>> cluster node names in a deployment configuration file [1]  and the product
>>> configuration information (appserver's axis2.xml, carbon.xml, etc...)
>>> in a config.pp [2] file which will be placed as
>>> /etc/puppet/modules/appserver/params.pp after running the main python
>>> script.
>>> Therefore when new instances are spawned in OpenStack according to the
>>> node names in config file [1] puppet agents pre-installed in them will
>>> retrieve their respective xml configurations from
>>> /etc/puppet/modules/appserver/params.pp file and perform puppet catalog
>>> runs.
>>> Refer Github repo [3] python_scripts for more clarifications.
>>> Currently node names are matched directly against the product
>>> configuration puppet file $servers names [2].
>>> Our next step is to give the number of worker/manager subdomain node
>>> combination and spawn
>>> the cluster in to existence on OpenStack environment.
>>> We are planning of fronting an elb for each worker/manager subdomain.
>>> Then, our deployment.cfg file will be modified as follows by indicating
>>> the number of sub domain nodes.
>>> [nodes]
>>> appserver-mgr = 10
>>> appserver-wkr = 20
>>> config.pp file will be as follows.
>>> $servers = { appserver-mgr => { axis2 => {subDomain => 'mgt', members
>>> => ['elb1-ip', 'elb2-ip']}, carbon => {subDomain => 'mgt',},
>>> serverOptions => '-Dsetup', server_home => $carbon_home, }, appserver-
>>> wkr => { axis2 => {subDomain => 'worker', members => ['elb1-ip', '
>>> elb2-ip']}, carbon => {subDomain => 'worker',}, serverOptions => '
>>> -DworkerNode=true', server_home => $carbon_home, }, }
>>> Instances will be spawned in OpenStack as follows.
>>> appserver-mgr-1
>>> appserver-mgr-2
>>> ...
>>> appserver-mgr-10
>>> appserver-wkr-1
>>> appserver-wkr-2
>>> ...
>>> appserver-wkr-20
>>> How can I match the new server names against the new product
>>> configuration file?
>>> Can I use regular expressions? Is it a recommended approach?
>>> Is there any better alternative for pushing product configurations in
>>> terms of standards, practices and performance for clusters with large
>>> number of nodes?
>>> [1]
>>> https://github.com/suhand/Deployment-Automation/blob/master/deployment-automation-total-puppet/python_scripts/deployment.cfg
>>> [2]
>>> https://github.com/suhand/Deployment-Automation/blob/master/deployment-automation-total-puppet/python_scripts/config.pp
>>> [3]
>>> https://github.com/suhand/Deployment-Automation/tree/master/deployment-automation-total-puppet
>>> Thanks,
>>> Suhan
>>> --
>>> Suhan Dharmasuriya
>>> Software Engineer - Test Automation
>>> *WSO2, Inc. *
>>> lean . enterprise . middleware
>>> Tel: +94 112 145345
>>> Mob: +94 779 869138
>>> Blog: http://suhan-opensource.blogspot.com/
>> --
>> Regards,
>> Manula Waidyanatha
>> Systems Engineer, WSO2, Inc.
>> Phone: +94 774 195853
>> Blog: blog.manula.org
> --
> Suhan Dharmasuriya
> Software Engineer - Test Automation
> *WSO2, Inc. *
> lean . enterprise . middleware
> Tel: +94 112 145345
> Mob: +94 779 869138
> Blog: http://suhan-opensource.blogspot.com/


Dharshana Warusavitharana
Senior Software Engineer , Test Automation
WSO2 Inc. http://wso2.com
email : dharsha...@wso2.com <dharsha...@wso2.com>
Tel  : +94 11 214 5345
Fax :+94 11 2145300
cell : +94770342233
blog : http://dharshanaw.blogspot.com

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