Looks good.

Also include a load testing in your plan.

On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 6:49 PM, Vivekananthan Sivanayagam <
vivekanant...@wso2.com> wrote:

> Introduction
> The File connector
> <https://docs.wso2.org/display/ESB481/Working+with+Connectors> allows you
> to connect to different file systems and perform various operations with
> the file systems. The file connector uses the apache commons VFS I/O
> functionalities to execute operations.
> File Connector for Zip folder
>    1.
>    Reads a zip files.
>    2.
>    Writes files and compress to zip file.
>    3.
>    Unzip file.
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1w3ZgUhhJSpEFQXRYqRm7Zq_acdnpBMhY-u9AKQ5E7uM/edit#gid=0
> *Thank youVivekananthan Sivanayagam*
> *Associate Software Engineer | WSO2*
> *E:vivekanant...@wso2.com <e%3avivekanant...@wso2.com>*
> *M:+94752786138 <%2B94752786138>*


Best Regards,

Malaka Silva
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