On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 6:13 PM, Manuri Amaya Perera <manu...@wso2.com>

>    1.
>    Why the name CarbonTransport? we can use just Transport. the full name
>    is org.wso2.carbon.transport.CarbonTransport and it already has "carbon"
Just because the package has Carbon it doesn't mean you shouldn't use it in
any of the classes. The code becomes unreadable when those libraries are
used elsewhere when you do that. Good examples are, HazelcastInstance not
Instance, AxisConfiguration not Configuration, AkkaControlMessage not
ControlMessage. I can give you enough of examples. So CarbonTransport is
the proper name to use and improves the code readability. I am -1 to
renaming this to Transport.

> And why is it an abstract class?

Because it manages the lifecycle of the transport. Ensures that the
lifecycle transitions a properly handled.

> Remove register/unregister public methods from TransportManager

-1 to this again. The TransportManagementSC will get notified when
CarbonTransports get registered/unregistered, and call the  respective
methods in TransportManager.
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