Hi All,

Currently we are working on a new statistic and message tracing features
for ESB 4.10.0 release. In both projects we are displaying collected data
in a graph structure in the UI. Requirements for the graph library is given

   1. At the start it should only display parent node
   2. By clicking on a graph node, user can toggle its immediate children.
   3. The user should be able to see more information about that node such
   as request count,max time etc.

 After searching for a suitable graph library we found out following

   1. Most of the graph data visualizations are done using D3 java script
   library [1]
   2. In DAS we are using VizGrammer [2] java script library which is a
   wrapper written on top of the D3 library. But it doesn't seem to have graph
   drawing ability yet.
   3. Dagre java script library [3] can draw directed graphs but these are
   static digraphs. It also wraps D3 JavaScript library.

Currently for both Statistic and Tracing projects we are using Dagre
library. Statistic tree [4]  generated for proxy configuration [5] and
tracing of a message flow can be found in [6].

But the main problem of using this library is that graph is a static one
and users cannot interact with it. For example I have written a dynamic
tree structure using D3 in [7]. User can use click and double click events
 to interact with the tree. But since this is tree structure we cannot use
it for our requirement. (i.e. in clone and aggregate mediators there are
parallel flows which combines at the end).

Is there a different way to implement this feature? Can we support this
type of dynamic graphs using any of our internal library without using
external libraries?

[1] http://d3js.org/

[2] https://github.com/wso2/VizGrammar

[3] https://github.com/cpettitt/dagre




[7] http://jsfiddle.net/virajsen/pofy6c7t/embedded/result/

Thank you,

Viraj Senevirathne
Software Engineer; WSO2, Inc.

Mobile : +94 71 958 0269
Email : vir...@wso2.com
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