On Tue, Mar 1, 2016 at 11:17 PM, Pamod Sylvester <pa...@wso2.com> wrote:

> Hi Nuwan,
> AFAIU this will not require *durable* subscriptions created between the
> GW and the broker, since each time the GW node starts or reconnects it will
> sync/snapshot with the DB to obtain the current state. Also i assume in
> this case the keys will first be persisted in the DB and then it'll be
> broadcasted to a topic.
> If that is the case in the 2nd approach (d) could be omitted if you
> subscribe the GW nodes to a non durable topic.
> +1 for the approach,
Need to make sure no events missed and at the end only the latest events
remains at GW.

> Thanks,
> Pamod
> On Tue, Mar 1, 2016 at 7:16 PM, Nuwan Dias <nuw...@wso2.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> According to the new throttling architecture in API Manager, the
>> throttling decision will be taken by a global throttling engine (CEP). The
>> Gateway nodes publishes events to the throttling engine and the throttling
>> engine evaluates data within those events to decide whether a particular
>> 'key' is throttled or not. Note: Each event will have a 'key' against which
>> throttling counters are maintained. When the throttling engine decides a
>> particular key is to be throttled out, it will persist this data to a
>> Database. It will later clean this record from the DB when the state of key
>> is reverted later.
>> The next problem is on how this decision that is made by the throttling
>> engine is communicated to the Gateway cluster. We evaluated two options as
>> below.
>> 1. Each Gateway node keeps polling the throttling engine periodically
>> (every 5 secs or so) and gets a snapshot of the DB into local memory.
>> 2. Using a pub-sub mechanism where the throttling engine publishes a
>> state change event of a key to a topic and each Gateway node will have
>> subscribed to that topic and hence receive updates as and when state
>> changes occur. This pattern is illustrated in a diagram below.
>> The first approach has some drawbacks such as
>> a) Each Gateway has to poll the engine even if no events are throttled
>> out.
>> b) The amount of data being transferred over the network can be large.
>> c) The load on the throttling engine increases as more Gateways start
>> polling it.
>> d) The load on the DB reads can be high (can use a cache to avoid this).
>> The second approach looks better than the first but still have a few
>> other drawbacks such as
>> a) We will anyway need to get a snapshot from the DB the first time a
>> Gateway starts to get the current state.
>> b) Deployment complexities when scaling out. We would probably need to
>> have a separate message broker cluster in larger deployments.
>> c) Need to maintain a consistent http connection between the Gateway and
>> the message broker.
>> d) If a Gateway node disconnects, the messages intended for that node
>> will pile up on the message broker.
>> We have currently opted for option 2. Please share your thoughts,
>> suggestions on this approach.
>> [image: Inline image 1]
>> Thanks,
>> NuwanD.
>> --
>> Nuwan Dias
>> Technical Lead - WSO2, Inc. http://wso2.com
>> email : nuw...@wso2.com
>> Phone : +94 777 775 729
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> --
> *Pamod Sylvester *
> *WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com <http://wso2.com>*
> cell: +94 77 7779495
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