Hi Geeth,

IMO, all the current information retrieval and monitoring operations could
run in parallel from device to device.
In that case, cannot we maintain a task pool at server side where we would
allocate some defined set of operations to each task and dynamically expand
the pool based on demand.
It's more of a divide-and-concur approach that I am suggesting here.


*Dilan U. Ariyaratne*
Senior Software Engineer
WSO2 Inc. <http://wso2.com/>
Mobile: +94766405580 <%2B94766405580>
lean . enterprise . middleware

On Mon, Feb 27, 2017 at 11:09 PM, Geeth Munasinghe <ge...@wso2.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> We have encountered an issue with balancing load distribution of device +
> server communication. Device and server communication happens through
> following ways.
>    1. Polling - Device keeps polling the server
>    2. Push notification - Server sends a notification to device to come
>    retrieve the operation. (wake up call)
>    3. Push message - Whole message is pushed to device as notification.
> In 1 and 2 ways, device always comes to server to pick up the operation.
> (In MDM scenarios, we use only 1 and 2) We have found few scenarios where
> this would lead to a request overload to the server.
>    1. Device information retrieval
>    2. Device application list retrieval
>    3. Device location retrieval
>    4. Policy monitoring
>    5. Installing/Uninstalling application (Role based)
> First four scenarios are handled by background tasks. These tasks are
> responsible for adding an operation against each of the device. This
> process would notify the device regarding operation or device will come to
> server at a pre-configured time to retrieve the operation. Specially with
> the notification process, when an operation is added to all the device,
> notification is send to all of them. In iOS, we send to the notification to
> APNS, for android - GCM/FCM and for Windows - WNS. These notification
> services normally deliver the messages to devices quickly. Therefore as
> soon as device receives the notification, it starts to contact the server.
> If this happens with a server which has 1,000s of devices enrolled, most of
> devices start retrieving the operation from the server which leads to a
> request a burst. 5th scenario happens when we install an application to a
> role which has 1,000s of users. This also starts sending notifications to
> all the devices of those users, which would result in a request burst.
> As a solution, we can limit the number of devices notified at given
> moment. Only set of devices will receive the notification at first, then
> after some time interval second set of devices will receive the
> notification and continue until all the devices are notified. This way, we
> can make sure only chunk of devices receives the notification, hence reduce
> the server load.
> Please give your feedbacks and suggestions.
> Thanks
> Geeth
> --
> *G. K. S. Munasinghe*
> *Senior Software Engineer,*
> *WSO2, Inc. http://wso2.com <http://wso2.com/> *
> *lean.enterprise.middleware.*
> email: ge...@wso2.com
> phone:(+94) 777911226 <+94%2077%20791%201226>
> <http://wso2.com/signature>
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