On Thu, Aug 31, 2017 at 8:08 PM, Isuri Anuradha <is...@wso2.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> UMA 2.0 is a new federated authorization standard protocol approved by the
> Kantara Initiative[1]. It is built on top of OAuth 2.0. UMA 2.0 enables
> clients to access protected resources which are owned by a resource owner
> who can set up his/her own policies.This project focuses on implementing
> UMA 2.0 support for WSO2 Identity Server by extending the OAuth 2.0
> authorization framework implementation.
> Following is a diagram depicting the basic UMA workflow.
>    -
>    PAT-Protection API Token
>    -
>    RPT- Requesting Party Token
>    -
>    PCT-Persisted Claim Token
>    -
>    PT- Permission Ticket
> Initially the Resource owner has written a set of policies to the
> Authorization Server. The Resource Server has registered resource sets and
> scopes in the Authorization Server.
>    1.
>    Client request access to protected resource on behalf of the
>    requesting party.
>    2.
>    Resource Server registers attempted access (Resource + Scope).
>    3.
>    Authorization Server returns a permission ticket.
>    4.
>    Resource Server returns permission ticket with as_uri.
>    5.
>    Client validates himself as a valid user by the permission ticket with
>    client credentials.
>    6.
>    Authorization Server gives RPT & PCT after gathering claims if
>    necessary.
>    7.
>    Clients requests for the resource with RPT.
>    8.
>    Resource Server introspects RPT at the Authorization Server.
>    9.
>    Authorization Server returns JSON response.
>    10.
>    Client receives the requested resource.
> The User Managed Access profile consists of two main APIs.
>    1.
>    Protection API
> The protection API is protected by OAuth or an authentication protocol
> based on OAuth. The protection API token (PAT) involved here binds the
> Resource Server to the Authorization Server.
> Protection API consists of 3 endpoints.
>    1.
>    Resource registration endpoint
>    2.
>    Permission registration endpoint
>    3.
>    Token introspection endpoint
>    2. Authorization API
> Client sends a request to the Resource Server seeking access to a
> protected resource under UMA. The client is required to access the
> authorization API exposed by Authorization Server to prove himself as a
> valid user.
> This API is also protected by OAuth or an OAuth based mechanism.
> We will be implementing UMA 2.0 specification under the 3 phases mentioned
> below.
> Phase 1
> Designing and implementing Resource registration endpoint.
>    1.
>    Send request to Authorization Server to register resources.
>    2.
>    Respond with a status message that includes an _id property.
> Designing and implementing Permission registration endpoint.
>    1.
>    The client attempts to access the protected resource . This attempted
>    request will have no RPT, or has an invalid RPT or insufficient
>    authorization data associated with the RPT as determined by checking the
>    RPT status.
>    2.
>    Next the request is sent to the protection API's permission
>    registration endpoint for the registration corresponding to the relevant
>    Authorization Server.
>    3.
>    Authorization Server issues and sends a PT to the Resource Server.
>    4.
>    The client receives the PT with the Authorization Server location from
>    the resource server.
> Phase 2
> Designing and implementing UMA grant type.
> Phase 3
> Designing and implementing policies based on Authorization server.
> Your comments and feedback would be appreciated.
> [1]https://docs.kantarainitiative.org/uma/ed/uma-core-2.0-01.html
> Thank you.
> Best regards,
> --------------------
> Isuri Anuradha
> Trainne software engineer | WSO2
> Emaii : is...@wso2.com
> Mobile : +94775941280 <+94%2077%20594%201280>
> web :http://wso2.com
> <http:///wso2.com>
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