The WSO2 Identity and Access Management team is pleased to announce the
release of WSO2 Identity Server 5.4.0 Alpha 9.

You can build the distribution from the source tag
product-is/releases/tag/v5.4.0-alpha9 following the steps below.

*Building from the source*

   1. Install Java8 or above
   2. Install Apache Maven 3.x.x(
   3. Get a clone from and checkout
   to v5.4.0-alpha9 tag or you can directly download the source for the tag
   4. Run the one of the below maven commands from product-is directory,
      - *mvn** clean install* (To build the binary and source distributions
      with the tests)
      - *mvn** clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true* (To build the binary
      and source distributions, without running any of the
unit/integration tests)
   5. You can find the binary distribution in
   product-is/modules/distribution/target directory.

Please note that you need to have Java SE Development Kit *1.8 *to run the
binary distribution.

The following list contains all the features, improvements, and bug fixes
available with the WSO2 Identity Server 5.4.0 Alpha 9 release.

   - [IDENTITY-6488 <>] - SAML
   Error when IDP init login, ACS not sent to


   - [IDENTITY-3355 <>] - Better
   if only warning is shown for siganture varification failures (not the whole
   - [IDENTITY-4956 <>] -
   Inconsistency in displaying the subject claim when a domain is set
   - [IDENTITY-4995 <>] - Cannot
   change the certificate alias for a service provider when there's more than
   one certificate
   - [IDENTITY-5866 <>] - KeyId
   hard-coded in DefaultIDTokenBuilder
   - [IDENTITY-5922 <>] - When
   invoking OAuth2TokenValidationService, updated user roles are not reflected
   in retrieved claims of the JWT token, till cache timeout or server restart
   - [IDENTITY-5994 <>] - NPE
   thrown when testing cause of exception in OAuth2Service.
   - [IDENTITY-6075 <>] -
   Receives the Primary-IS admin user info, when calling userinfo endpoint
   with SAML2 Bearer grant type with SAML federated scenario
   - [IDENTITY-6288 <>] - Move
   the common code in id token and userinfo, to util
   - [IDENTITY-6327 <>] - List of
   claims returned in IDToken and Userinfo don't get updated when we update
   requested claims configuration
   - [IDENTITY-6331 <>] - alg
   header in JWT token is not valid for IS 5.0.0
   - [IDENTITY-6332 <>] - The
   “exp” value in the JWT tokens must in RFC7519 compliant format
   - [IDENTITY-6354 <>] - Two
   confirmation windows coming when updating the user with all existing roles
   - [IDENTITY-6358 <>] - Error
   when adding workflows in tenant mode for external BPS profiles
   - [IDENTITY-6376 <>] - SAML2
   Web SSO Configuration (Federated Authenticator) default Signature Algorithm
   is set to DSA with SHA1
   - [IDENTITY-6385 <>] -
   Internal Server Error for Client Credential Grant with openid scope OOB
   - [IDENTITY-6386 <>] - self
   sign up not working in tenant mode
   - [IDENTITY-6391 <>] -
   [Service Provider SAML2 Web SSO configuration] Default Value of Certificate
   Alias should be wso2carbon
   - [IDENTITY-6404 <>] - Error
   in SAML2 Bear token grant validation for tenant users when "Use tenant
   domain in local subject identifier" option is unchecked
   - [IDENTITY-6480 <>] - Calling
   OAuth2ValidationService with a valid token when
   AuthorizationContextTokenGeneration is enabled throws a back end error
   - [IDENTITY-6496 <>] - A
   white-space in-between Authorization: Basic and
   leads to a Nullpointer when generating access token using refresh token
   - [IDENTITY-6505 <>] -
   Invoking user-info endpoint using playground sample fails when using email
   as the user name
   - [IDENTITY-6558 <>] -
   SAML2.IsPassiveAuthn=true is not available in
   - [IDENTITY-6581 <>] - Error
   with SAML Extension Grant Type
   - [IDENTITY-6703 <>] - Bad
   Grammar in the exception: "SAML Assertion not found in the Response"
   - [IDENTITY-6736 <>] - All the
   query params in "Additional Query Parameters" of federated oauth/openid
   connect IDP config is not visible in management console
   - [IDENTITY-6797 <>] - Stack
   trace of exception displayed in web browser in case of empty SAMLRequest
   - [IDENTITY-6805 <>] - NPE
   possibility in NTLMAuthenticationGrantHandler
   - [IDENTITY-6895 <>] - Claims
   not returned properly after SP requested claims updated
   - [IDENTITY-6896 <>] - Oauth2
   Revoke endpoint does not validate repeated parameters
   - [IDENTITY-6897 <>] - Claim
   filtering not handled in UserInfoJWTResponseBuilder
   - [IDENTITY-6898 <>] - Revoke
   endpoint sends an Unauthorized response when Invalid Authorization header
   exists, but the token is empty.
   - [IDENTITY-6901 <>] -
   Validate subjectConfirmationData time limits to fall within the time window
   given in the Conditions in the saml assertion
   - [IDENTITY-6909 <>] - HTML
   tags should be closed properly


   - [IDENTITY-2530 <>] - Make
   refresh tokens optional for SAML2 Bearer grant type
   - [IDENTITY-4980 <>] -
   Exception during access token generation right after expiration
   - [IDENTITY-5483 <>] -
   Validate user against given user store and save correct user domain in
   saml2-bearer grant type.
   - [IDENTITY-5975 <>] - Need to
   handle errors in oAuth Endpoints
   - [IDENTITY-6224 <>] - Improve
   logs in controlClaimsFromScope() of SAMLAssertionClaimsCallback class
   - [IDENTITY-6900 <>] - Make
   subject claim consistent across all grant types

*Contribute to WSO2 Identity Server*

*Mailing Lists*

Join our mailing lists and correspond with the developers directly. We also
encourage you to take part in discussions related to the product in the
architecture mailing list. If you have any questions regarding the product
you can use our StackOverflow forum to raise them as well.

   - Developer List:
   - Architecture List:
   - User Forum: StackOverflow

Reporting Issues
We encourage you to report issues, improvements, and feature requests
regarding WSO2 Identity Server through our public WSO2 Identity Server JIRA

~ The WSO2 Identity and Access Management Team ~

Farasath Ahamed
Software Engineer, WSO2 Inc.;
Mobile: +94777603866
Twitter: @farazath619 <>
Architecture mailing list

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