
On Tue, Dec 5, 2017 at 9:03 AM, Johann Nallathamby <joh...@wso2.com> wrote:

> Hi Indunil/Isura,
> I have a general comment on this. Are we not planning to support this in
> the UI at least in the public release? Because planning for backend only
> IMO is not a good idea from previous experience because it will remain at
> the same state for years. Don't want to go back there. And from a
> capabilities POV it won't be considered as OOTB capabilities of the
> product, which makes it hard to sell :).

AFAIU, you have mentioned about providing UI support for resending
confirmation emails?
I think we should consider the UI validations in account recovery endpoint,
when a previously issued confirmation link is used, as I have mentioned
previously (ex: when someone use a previously issued confirmation link for
reset password, user should redirect to an error page, without redirect to
the password reset page). WDYT?

> On Tue, Dec 5, 2017 at 8:15 AM, Isura Karunaratne <is...@wso2.com> wrote:
>> Hi Indunil,
>> On Mon, Dec 4, 2017 at 8:24 PM, Indunil Upeksha Rathnayake <
>> indu...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> With IS 5.3.0, we have currently provided a Rest API for resending
>>> confirmation code (Refer [1]), which supports only for self signup feature.
>>> So that, we are planning to provide a more generic REST API and a OSGi
>>> service, for resending confirmation code for any scenario.
>>> Following are the scenarios, currently where we are sending confirmation
>>> emails in IS.
>>>    - *Password Reset* - password recovery using email-based
>>>    notifications
>>>    - *Account Confirmation* - email confirmation on user self
>>>    registration
>>>    - *Ask Password* - ask password from user through confirmation email
>>>    - *Admin Forced Password Reset*- admin to trigger a password reset
>>>    for a given user account
>>>    - *Admin Forced Password Reset With OTP* -  admin send an email to
>>>    the user with a one time password that the user can use to login once to
>>>    the account after which, the user will be prompted to set a new password
>>>    - *Email Confirmation *- account confirmation through email
>>>    notification
>> IMO it is not required to have an option to resend the confirmation codes
>> for following scenarios.
>>    - Password Reset
>>    - Admin Force Password Reset
>>    - Admin Force Password Reset with OTP
>> There is no intermediate step between sending confirmation and validating
>> confirmation in mentioned scenarios. So, instead of resending the code,
>> users can start a new flow again. (Ex. Try another attempt to reset
>> password )
>> BTW, it is good to have a generic API to resend the confirmation codes.
> Yes. Please carefully consider the scenarios where "resending" is
> absolutely necessary. Wherever we can "restart" the process we don't need
> to "resend".

Yes. Planning to cover only the necessary scenarios from the above list.

> We can have two types of emails as far as I understand; emails with
> confirmation codes for verification and emails with just text for
> notification. Please consider these two kind of mails also when designing.
> Are we planning to support "resend" for emails for just notifications? E.g.
> user account disable?

I think it's not needed to resend emails with just text notifications. Or
you are considering implementation of a generic API for notification
sending in recovery scenarios rather than API for notification resending?

>>> In there, the confirmation emails get expired after a configured time
>>> period in order to make the accounts secure. After the expiration, we may
>>> need to resend the confirmation emails.
>>> So with this implementation, when we request for resending confirmation
>>> code, previously issued code (even though, it's still not expired), should
>>> get expired and the new confirmation code should considered as active. So
>>> that in any scenario, if a user is requesting to use an expired
>>> confirmation code, we need to redirect the user, to an error page
>>> mentioning of using an expired confirmation link.
>>> In case of user self registration, if request has made for resending
>>> confirmation link, after a account activation, I think it should be handled
>>> in the self registration API (currently Re-Send button to resend the
>>> confirmation link will be appeared in the login page, when we try to login
>>> to an unverified account). We may not need to consider it, when resending
>>> the confirmation code. WDYT?
> I am not sure I understood the differences in the scenarios you are
> explaining well. Can you explain in a different way?

My concern was, when we resending a confirmation email for self
registration, in the back-end REST API, we need to validate whether the
account have been activated or not? Or we can provide a UI validation as
currently in the login page (Re-Send button to resend the confirmation link
will be appeared in the login page, if only account is not activated)?

>>> Other than that, I think we can consider following scenarios as further
>>> improvements. WDYT?
>>>    - In case of a forgery, we may need to expire the confirmation link,
>>>    manually before the configured time (without resending the confirmation
>>>    link).
>> +1. Please create a improvement Jira to track this.
>>>    -
>>>    - Currently for resending confirmation email for user self
>>>    registration, we have provided support in the login page where user can
>>>    request to resend confirmation link (We have not added this to the
>>>    documentation, created a doc jira in [2]). In order to resend the
>>>    confirmation emails from admin (or user with a required permissions), we
>>>    can provide support in management console to :
>>>       - select the user(s) to whom need to resend the activation email
>>>       - select a role, to send confirmation emails to a group of users
>>>       - here we may need to automatically skip over users who have already
>>>       activated there accounts in case of self registration
>>> +1 to consider resending to a group of users if we feel it's useful.
> Can we introduce a new role that contains all the users to whom emails
> have been sent and confirmation pending? And may be another role to contain
> all the users who have confirmed? Otherwise there is no way to easily
> retrieve the list of users who are pending confirmation or already
> confirmed. *@Maduranga* implemented a similar use case for a customer
> recently. Please discuss with him and see how he did it.
> Thanks & Regards,
> Johann.
>>>    -
>>> Thanks
>> Isura.
>>> Appreciate your ideas and comments on this.
>>> [1] https://github.com/wso2-extensions/identity-governance/blob/
>>> master/components/org.wso2.carbon.identity.user.endpoint/src
>>> /main/java/org/wso2/carbon/identity/user/endpoint/impl/Resen
>>> dCodeApiServiceImpl.java
>>> [2] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/DOCUMENTATION-7189
>>> Thanks and Regards
>>> --
>>> Indunil Upeksha Rathnayake
>>> Software Engineer | WSO2 Inc
>>> Email    indu...@wso2.com
>>> Mobile   0772182255
>> --
>> *Isura Dilhara Karunaratne*
>> Associate Technical Lead | WSO2
>> Email: is...@wso2.com
>> Mob : +94 772 254 810 <+94%2077%20225%204810>
>> Blog : http://isurad.blogspot.com/
> --
> Thanks & Regards,
> *Johann Dilantha Nallathamby*
> Senior Lead Solutions Engineer
> WSO2, Inc.
> lean.enterprise.middleware
> Mobile - *+94777776950*
> Blog - *http://nallaa.wordpress.com <http://nallaa.wordpress.com>*

Indunil Upeksha Rathnayake
Software Engineer | WSO2 Inc
Email    indu...@wso2.com
Mobile   0772182255
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