Hi All,
In API Manager we have application access token and user access token
concept. Application access token is the token obtained using resource
owner grant type. User access token is the token obtained by user(can be
application owner or someone else) by using any grant type. Initially we
introduced this feature to control resource level access of APIs.

As example we can think of one API(camera API) which has 2 resources(1.View
photo 2.Add photo). Then we will need to let users to view photos without
login to system(means obtain token for user). In that case we can limit
view resource to application access token and mandate to use user token to
add photo. This way we can maintain resource access control.

With scopes concept we can still do same. We can give read scope to view
photo and generate token for that embed with app. If user need to take
photo then he will have to get token with write(access add photo) scope. In
oauth spec also we cannot see this type of differentiation. So considering
all these shall we remove application access token concept from API
Manager?  Any limitations with this?



*Sanjeewa Malalgoda*
WSO2 Inc.
Mobile : +94713068779

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