
Here the additional details user need to provide as argument when setup CLI

   - Publisher Endpoint
   - Registration Endpoint
   - Admin Endpoint
   - Token Endpoint
   - Trust Store path
   - Trust Store password

>From them, Publisher, Registration, Admin and Token endpoints hostname can
be same. In such cases we can introduce a command argument  --*URL. * If
URL is provided those urls are derived from that. In case if those apps are
in diffrent host, user need to edit them in default config file. Since this
a one time task and not likely to change much, i think it is fine.
Since all of these configs are mandatory we maintain some default values.
When user enter setup command, if those configs are not provided, prompt
user to enter values. If user didn't input any values default values are
use. Once all the setup execution is complete succesfully, user input save
to the config file and use next time onward.

Here  the few examples flow, ex:1 show *setup* command with all the
mandatory arguments and ex: 2 show without mandatory arguments. Hence ex:2
prompt them from user.

$ ./micro-gw *setup* --user amuser --*password* pass --label account --*url*
 https://localhost:9443/ --*path* /home/user/workspace --*truststore*
path/to/truststore --*truststorePass* password
$ Completed

$ ./micro-gw *setup* --user amuser --*password* pass --*label* account  --
*path* /home/user/workspace
$ Enter *url* [ default https://localhost:9443/ ] :
$ Enter *truststore* [ default path/to/truststore  ] : different/path/to/
$ Enter *truststorePass* [ use default? ] : password
$ Completed

Any suggestions?

Thanks and Regards

On Mon, Jun 18, 2018 at 11:18 AM, Rukshan Premathunga <ruks...@wso2.com>

> I guess you are referring to the Microgateway CLI and not the APIM CLI.
> Yes. It should be Microgateway CLI
> On Mon, Jun 18, 2018 at 11:15 AM, Nuwan Dias <nuw...@wso2.com> wrote:
>> I guess you are referring to the Microgateway CLI and not the APIM CLI.
>> On Mon, Jun 18, 2018 at 11:11 AM, Rukshan Premathunga <ruks...@wso2.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi All,
>>> Currently CLI auto generate endpoints from defautl values and user have
>>> to edit it in order to work if endpoints are diffrent. As a solution we
>>> thought to provide urls as arguments for setup command.
>>> But here we have 4 endpoints(store, publisher, admin and token) to get
>>> as arguments. But making all of them as  mandatory, user experience may get
>>> reduce, So we need to have a mechanism to derive them.
>>> One option is to use one host for apps in same node(store, pub, admin).
>>> If it is changed, provide the optional arguments to override them.
>>> So can you also share some idea please.
>>> Thanks and Regards
>>> --
>>> Rukshan Chathuranga.
>>> WSO2, Inc.
>>> +94711822074
>> --
>> Nuwan Dias
>> Software Architect - WSO2, Inc. http://wso2.com
>> email : nuw...@wso2.com
>> Phone : +94 777 775 729
> --
> Rukshan Chathuranga.
> Software Engineer.
> WSO2, Inc.
> +94711822074

Rukshan Chathuranga.
Software Engineer.
WSO2, Inc.
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