I have a few questions on the design.

1. Who will be updating the Audit table and at which point?

2. Who will be calling the method in the interface and at which point? I
understood it as it will be called upon the GET operation of each entity.
If that's the case it'll cause problems specially with listing operations.

3. Do we need an interface for each entity type? If yes, that doesn't sound
right because then we'll end up with just 1 implementation of each
interface, which is not very useful. The number of implementations to
maintain is also a concern due to the high number of entity types we'll end
up with.


On Mon, Aug 20, 2018 at 5:09 PM Uvindra Dias Jayasinha <uvin...@wso2.com>

> On 20 August 2018 at 16:58, Ishara Cooray <isha...@wso2.com> wrote:
>> For me, PRODUCT_VERSION column in every table seems to be redundant.
>> Could you please explain the reason for introducing this column in each
>> table? Is this for auditing?
> The reason for this is so the on the fly migration code is able to detect
> if it needs to migrate a given row. For example if running version 3.1.0,
> 1. A row from a table is retrieved
> 2. If the value of the PRODUCT_VERSION  column of the row is 3.0.0
> migration code will run to convert the data and update the value of
> PRODUCT_VERSION to 3.1.0 once row migration has occurred.
> 3. On subsequent retrievals of the same row since PRODUCT_VERSION is 3.1.0
> migration code will not execute against the row.
>> Thanks & Regards,
>> Ishara Cooray
>> Senior Software Engineer
>> Mobile : +9477 262 9512
>> WSO2, Inc. | http://wso2.com/
>> Lean . Enterprise . Middleware
>> On Mon, Aug 20, 2018 at 4:03 PM, Uvindra Dias Jayasinha <uvin...@wso2.com
>> > wrote:
>>> Small calcification regarding this statement,
>>> For the 3.0.0 release we just need to implement steps *1* and *2*
>>>> above. Step *3* can be done for all subsequent releases.
>>> I specifically meant the changes to the DB schema when it comes to steps
>>> 1 and 2 . Obviously no migration logic will be needed for 3.0.0 itself
>>> On 20 August 2018 at 15:58, Uvindra Dias Jayasinha <uvin...@wso2.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> In the past the APIM product has relied on an external component such
>>>> as a migration client for upgrading from a given product version to a
>>>> higher version.The end user was required to configure the latest product
>>>> that they are upgrading to against their current data(databases, synapse
>>>> files, registry) and run the migration client manually to upgrade the
>>>> product. This can be a cumbersome and error prone process to accomplish for
>>>> end users, making product version upgrades time consuming.
>>>> To overcome the above problem on the fly upgrades were proposed where
>>>> the product code detects if relevant data being accessed needs to be
>>>> migrated to the latest version and migrates the data when the code is
>>>> executed when the respective feature is used. Upgrading product data is
>>>> much easier from 3.0.0 onwards because all data related to the product is
>>>> stored in a central database.This means that the end user does not need to
>>>> get involved in upgrading, it happens without them even being aware as they
>>>> use the latest version of the product by pointing it against their current
>>>> database.This makes for a more pleasant user experience when upgrading,
>>>> putting the burden of the upgrade to be added by the developer into the
>>>> functional code itself.
>>>> The following outlines a design that can be supported from 3.0.0
>>>> onwards to outline a uniform way of handling product upgrades. This is
>>>> inspired by the methodology used by FlywayDB to enable DB migrations[1]
>>>> but also taking into account the requirement of being able to run on the
>>>> fly at runtime(Note: DB schema changes between releases will need to be
>>>> handled via DB vendor specific scripts prepared by the team to be run by
>>>> the customer against their DB).
>>>> *1.* A new table will be added to the schema called
>>>> PRODUCT_VERSION_AUDIT to track the product version upgrades that take place
>>>> on a given dataset
>>>> If a user begins using APIM version 3.0.0 and then upgrades to version
>>>> 3.1.0 the table will contain the following values,
>>>> 3.0.0 2018-11-11 13:23:44
>>>> 3.1.0 2019-10-14 9:26:22
>>>> This gives a historical view of the product versions a customer has
>>>> been using. A new row will be inserted into the table when a given product
>>>> version is started for the first time.
>>>> *2*. Each table in the database will have a new column called
>>>> PRODUCT_VERSION(VARCHAR(5)) added. When a row is inserted for the first
>>>> time it will populate this column with the current product version being
>>>> used.
>>>> For example the AM_API table could have the following entries for a
>>>> customer using APIM 3.0.0,
>>>> 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000 admin abc 1.0.0 /abc 3.0.0
>>>> 00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff admin xyz 1.0.0 /xyz 3.0.0
>>>> Lets assume when upgrading to 3.1.0 the leading '/' character in the
>>>> context needs to be removed. On the fly migration code will run when a
>>>> given row is accessed by the DAO layer to remove the '/'. Once the
>>>> migration of the row is completed the PRODUCT_VERSION column will be
>>>> updated with the value 3.1.0 to signify that the migration for this row has
>>>> been completed. The PRODUCT_VERSION column can be validated to check if
>>>> migration code needs to be executed. So assuming the API abc is accessed
>>>> first the table will look as follows after migration,
>>>> 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000 admin abc 1.0.0 abc 3.1.0
>>>> 00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff admin xyz 1.0.0 /xyz 3.0.0
>>>> As a pre-requisite the product team will need to create respective DB
>>>> scripts for the schema changes that will take place with a given release.
>>>> This will only include schema modifications. Customer will need to run
>>>> these manually against their DB but actual data migration will take place
>>>> automatically under the hood.
>>>> *3*. New Java interfaces will be added for each DB entity that will
>>>> responsible for migrating the respective entity. For example for APIs we
>>>> can have,
>>>> public interface APIMigrator {
>>>>     API migrate(PreparedStatement statement) throws MigrationException;}
>>>> This will accept the PreparedStatement created for data retrieval and
>>>> returns the migrated API object. The implemenataion of the above could look
>>>> as follows,
>>>> public class APIMigratorImpl implements APIMigrator {
>>>>     public API migrate(PreparedStatement statement) throws 
>>>> MigrationException {
>>>>    API api = null;
>>>>    try (ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery()) {
>>>>             while (rs.next()) {
>>>>            String dataProductVersion = rs.getString("PRODUCT_VERSION");
>>>>            // Assume that currentProductVersion == "3.2.0"
>>>>            while (!currentProductVersion.equals(dataProductVersion)) }
>>>>                if ("3.0.0".equals(dataProductVersion)) {
>>>>                    // Logic to migrate data to next available version 3.1.0
>>>>                    // And update the PRODUCT_VERSION column of the row to 
>>>> 3.1.0
>>>>                    dataProductVersion = "3.1.0";                           
>>>>                }
>>>>                if ("3.1.0".equals(dataProductVersion)) {
>>>>                    // Logic to migrate data to next available version 3.2.0
>>>>                    // And update the PRODUCT_VERSION column of the row to 
>>>> 3.2.0
>>>>                    dataProductVersion = "3.2.0";
>>>>                }
>>>>            }
>>>>        }
>>>>    }
>>>>    return api;             
>>>>     }
>>>> }
>>>> The above interface implementation will be called from within DOA layer
>>>> before returning an object instance.
>>>> For the 3.0.0 release we just need to implement steps *1* and *2*
>>>> above. Step *3* can be done for all subsequent releases.
>>>> [1] https://flywaydb.org
>>>> --
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Uvindra
>>>> Mobile: 777733962
>>> --
>>> Regards,
>>> Uvindra
>>> Mobile: 777733962
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> Regards,
> Uvindra
> Mobile: 777733962
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