Thanks Johann for the feedback... Yes, the consent management feature needs
improvement and will work on them..

It would be much helpful, if you can create git issues - so we won't miss

Thanks & Regards,

On Mon, Mar 25, 2019 at 5:18 AM Johann Nallathamby <> wrote:

> IAM Team,
> I recently had to do a presentation/demo to a customer on GDPR support in
> WSO2 IS. Following are the usability problems I've come across in the
> latest version. Would like to get your feedback on this.
> 1. In all the webinars we've done on GDPR, we talk about IS as a consent
> repository that can do consent management of applications through Restful
> APIs. However, when looking at the APIs it looks like we can't really do
> application wise consent management and it is global consent management
> model we have. What am I missing here?
> 2. Consent purpose descriptions are not shown to the user, when (s)he
> needs to provide consent to share user claims to the application. It looks
> like the user has to provide a *"bundled"* consent. This *violates* basic
> GDPR consent design guideline of *"unbundled consent"*.
> 3. The consent purpose descriptions do not support internationalization.
> This *violates* another one of the basic GDPR consent design guideline of 
> *"informed
> consent".* Ideally we should be using the same design we've implemented
> for challenge question internationalization.
> 4. When a user does self sign-up, we are collecting consent for all
> consent purposes and PII categories. It looks like user cannot sign-up
> without providing consent for at least one consent purpose or PII category.
> For example, even if first_name is optional and I don't fill the value for
> first_name, I need to provide consent to store first_name which doesn't
> make any sense.
> Thanks & Regards,
> Johann.
> --
> *Johann Dilantha Nallathamby* | Associate Director/Solutions Architect |
> WSO2 Inc.
> (m) +94 (77) 7776950 | (w) +94 (11) 2145345 | (e)
> [image: Signature.jpg]

Thanks & Regards,
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