WSO2 Cellery Team is pleased to announce the release of Cellery 0.3.0!

Cellery is an architectural description language, tooling and extensions
for popular cloud-native runtimes that enables agile development teams to
easily create a composable enterprise in a technology neutral way.

You can now download the Cellery 0.3.0 installers.

   - Ubuntu Installer
   - macOS Installer

*What's new in Cellery 0.3.0*

This release includes,

   1. First preview of Cellery Hub <>
   2. Cell Scaling
   a) Zero scaling
   b) Horizontal auto scaling
   3. Cell updates with Rolling update, Blue-green, and canary
   4. First Cell Testing
   5. Kubernetes upgrade to 1.14, and hence no limitation on kubectl client
   6. Inter component dependencies in cellery view
   7. CLI command improvements
   a) Verbose mode with -v for all CLI commands
   b) Delete images stored in local repository
   c) Terminate multiple instances
   d) Setup status

The complete list of new features, improvements and bug fixes shipped with
Cellery 0.3.0 can be found here

*How to Get Started*

You can get started with Cellery by following the ReadMe in wso2-cellery/sdk
<> repository.


Tryout Cellery features with samples,

   1. Hello world sample
   <> -
   get started with simple web cell
   2. Pet store sample
   <> -
   demonstrates all features from cell testing, updates, scaling and
   3. Hipster shop sample
   <> -
   demonstrate cellery with Cloud-Native micro services demo application
   here <>.

You can learn more about the Cellery Samples and try them out here

*Reporting Issues*

We encourage you to report issues, improvements, and feature requests
regarding Cellery through GitHub issues. You can learn more about Cellery
Issue Management here

*Mailing Lists*

Join our Google group and correspond with the developers directly. We
encourage you to engage in the discussions and raise any questions
regarding Cellery in the Google group.

   - Google Group:!forum/wso2-cellery-dev

*Contributing to Cellery*

We encourage you to engage in the discussions and help improve Cellery. You
can follow the contribution guide
<> if you
wish to contribute.

For more information about WSO2 Cellery, please see

Thank you!

~ WSO2 Cellery Team ~
*Sinthuja Rajendran* | Associate Director/Architect | WSO2 Inc.
(m) +94774273955 | (w) +94 112 145 345 | (e) sinthuja AT spamfree
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