On Tue, Aug 6, 2019 at 9:35 PM Dushani Wellappili <dusha...@wso2.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> When publishing to external stores, at runtime we need to use API create,
> life-cycle change, create a version, add API thumbnail, delete Publisher
> REST APIs. In order to create the API payload, we need to do the mapping
> from API object to APIDTO. Reusing the existing APIDTO or APIMappingUtil
> classes are not possible as we do not import rest.api dependencies to impl
> level. Creating the payload manually from scratch will not be a very
> cleaner approach, also we will be duplicating the same logic.
> Hence following are the options which might help us to achieve this.
>    - Generate a REST client using publisher REST API swagger (using
>    openapi-generator plugin) and pack it as a jar in the product (packing the
>    component inside service-stubs). But for that, we need to pack an
>    additional set of dependencies to lib as well. For example, the generated
>    client is using okhttp client. We also need to add the APIMappingUtil logic
>    (to map API to DTO) as util class inside the same client.
>    - Generate only the DTO classes using publisher REST API swagger and
>    pack it as a jar in service-stubs. However, even in this case, API to DTO
>    object mapping will need to be defined separately in the same service
>    client. Conversion from DTO to JSON and invoking the HTTP client need to be
>    handled in WSO2APIPublisher code.
>    - Use import-export webapp, to import the API and modify the api.json
>    to include the artifact properties apiOwner, advertiseOnly, redirectURL,
>    zip, and export it to the external Store. A separate REST API call to
>    change the lifecycle of the API to "Published" state, needs to be done.
> +1 for doing import/export due to the simpleness and efficientness
compared to using Publisher's /apis REST API for creating/updating the API.
We can get extra advantages with supporting documents as well. Earlier we
didn't support it and we automatically get the benefit by using

> One of the main drawbacks of the first two options is maintaining the DTO,
> Mapping logic in two different places whenever we do a change to the REST
> API. Appreciate your response on this regard.
> Thanks
> *Dushani Wellappili*
> Software Engineer - WSO2
> Email : dusha...@wso2.com
> Mobile : +94779367571
> Web : https://wso2.com/

Malintha Amarasinghe
*WSO2, Inc. - lean | enterprise | middleware*

Mobile : +94 712383306
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