On Tue, Oct 22, 2019 at 10:12 PM Supun Perera <supu...@wso2.com> wrote:

> Reduced Audience
> On Tue, Oct 22, 2019 at 9:03 PM Supun Perera <supu...@wso2.com> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> As the correlation logs is a wonderful feature for troubleshooting the
>> issues, It was very helpful in support, However, we have noticed that it
>> could be made better if we could enable the same in the server runtime
>> rather doing the server restart to apply the same. Hence we believe that it
>> would be really great if we could implement a mechanism to *enable and
>> disable the correlation logs in run time*.
>> Further, we have noticed that we could improve the logging events details
>> more with the following 4 items. which we believe is certainly required for
>> drill down the issues further.
>> 1. Work on a mechanism to enable and disable the correlation logs in
>> runtime without server downtime.
Shall we provide an admin API to enable this as developers need to enable
this to verify the applications behavior ?


> 2. Print the Get connection / Close connection time taken (database, LDAP)
>> in the correlation logs.
>> 3. Print the records iteration (if the LDAP or Database returns many
>> records, the time taken for the record iteration is not visible.) - While
>> investigating the same we have noticed that each iteration completed with a
>> network call as well.
>> 4. Print the missing details in between two correlation log event (some
>> correlation logs we could notice that the LDAP/ DATABASE query has returned
>> within *1 - 2 ms*, however the next line of the correlation log prints
>> after several *seconds*. Further investigating the same could notice
>> that some of them are caused by triggering event listens. Hence, it would
>> be easy to track it further if we could print the correlation ID along with
>> the debug/info logs for each component.)
>> *Supun Perera*
>> *Senior Software Engineer | WSO2*
>> Email   : supu...@wso2.com
>> Mobile  : +94712235101
>> Web     : http://wso2.com
>> <http://wso2.com/signature>

Thanks & Regards,

Mobile : +94 777 625 933

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