WSO2 Identity and Access Management team is pleased to announce the release
of Identity Server 5.11.0 M25!

You can download WSO2 Identity Server 5.11.0 M25 from here
to run

   1. Extract the downloaded zip file.
   2. Go to the *bin* directory in the extracted folder.
   3. Run the ** file if you are on a Linux/Mac OS or run the
   *wso2server.bat* file if you are on a Windows OS.

Admin Portal

   - Added documentation on samples and SDKs in the applications help panel
   based on the template of the applications.
   [image: portal-sdk]
   - Integrated OAuth Web Worker library with the admin portal to enable
   authentication through this library.
   - Implemented code splittings and improved the build performance of the
   admin portal.

Developer Portal

   - Integrated OAuth Web Worker library with the developer portal to
   enable authentication through this library.
   - Implemented code splittings and improved the build performance of the
   developer portal.

Identity Core

   - An alternative implementation for WS-Federation using CXF is added
   which eliminates the usage of outdated dependencies such as opensaml2,
   wso2-wss4j, and wso2-rampart.
   - WS-Trust functionality is provided as a connector to the default
   product which avoids exposing outdated dependencies to the default product.

*Other fixes & features*

A list of all the new features and bug fixes shipped with this release can
be found in the following locations:

   - IS Runtime <>
   - IAM Portals


All the open issues pertaining to WSO2 Identity Server are reported at the
following locations:

   - IS Runtime <>
   - IAM Portals

to WSO2 Identity Server

Join our mailing lists and correspond with the developers directly. We also
encourage you to take part in discussions related to the product in the
architecture mailing list. If you have any questions regarding the product
you can use our StackOverflow forum to raise them as well.

   - IAM Developer List: <>
   - Architecture List:
   - User Forum: StackOverflow


Join us via our
even better communication. You can talk to our developers directly
regarding any issues, concerns about the product. We encourage you to start
discussions or join any ongoing discussions with the team, via our slack

   - Discussions about developments: Dev Channel
   - New releases: Release Announcement Channel


We encourage you to report issues, improvements, and feature requests
regarding WSO2 Identity Server through our public WSO2 Identity Server GIT
Issues <>.

*Important: Please be advised that security issues must be reported
to <>, not as GitHub issues, in order to
reach the proper audience. We strongly advise following the WSO2 Security
Vulnerability Reporting Guidelines
reporting the security issues.*

For more information about WSO2 Identity Server, please see
<> or visit the WSO2 Oxygen
Tank <> developer portal for additional resources.

~ The WSO2 Identity and Access Management Team ~

*Nipuni Paaris* | Software Engineer | WSO2 Inc.
(m) +94 077 9028904 | (w) +94 011 2145345 | (e):
[image:] <>
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