Hi all,

We are pleased to announce the release of WSO2 Enterprise Integrator 7.1.0.

WSO2 Enterprise Integrator (WSO2 EI) is an open-source hybrid integration
platform providing graphical and CLI tooling, integration runtimes, and
monitoring with a variety of deployment options. The integration runtime
engine is capable of playing multiple roles in your enterprise
architecture. It can act as an ESB, a streaming data processor, and a
microservices integrator. Deployment options include on-premises, cloud,
hybrid, or a container orchestration platform of choice.

WSO2 Enterprise Integrator is available to download via the link:
https://wso2.com/integration/ <https://wso2.com/integration/#>

Official documentation is available at: https://ei.docs.wso2.com/en/7.1.0/

Following are the key features of each runtime and tooling.

Micro Integrator 1.2.0
Key Features
Support for centralized deployments


   Task coordination support for distributed deployments

   Support to view and configure logs without accessing the file system

   User management with external user stores

   Support for hot deployment

Improved Kubernetes support


   Readiness probe for health checking

   Enhanced experience for handling security (Ciphertool, Securevault,
   Kubernetes Secrets)

   Environment / System variable support for K8s

Core Improvements


   Revamped RabbitMQ integration

   Schema-based XML to JSON transformations with 'JSON Transform mediator'

   Swagger generation for data services

   Transaction counter for services

   Support for SMB version 3.0

   CLI with enhanced functionalities

A list of tasks/bug fixes and improvements shipped with this release can be
found below:

Tasks/bug fixes and improvements

This release lets you download the following artifacts from the website


   Micro Integrator Runtime
   - Integrator Dashboard
   - Platform dependent CLI Distributions


Simply get started with Micro Integrator in Docker by browsing wso2mi
<https://hub.docker.com/r/wso2/wso2mi> and wso2mi-dashboard
<https://hub.docker.com/r/wso2/wso2mi-dashboard> repositories in Docker Hub.

Official documentation is available in:
Integration Studio 7.1.0Key Features and Improvements
Revamped connector story with improved user experience

   - Redesigned connector configuration view

   New externalizable connection configuration view for connectors

Improved CI/CD story with WSO2 Micro Integrator


   New maven profiles for project builds

   Embedded Maven support

   Maven Multi-Module support for the Integration project

   Cipher tool support for the docker project

   Capability to push images to a remote repository via the docker project

   Project import/export capability with/without copying to the workspace

   Capability to import existing projects into maven multi-module project

WSO2 Micro Integrator 1.2.0 as the internal server runtime


   Hot deployment support for the embedded Micro Integrator

   Run and debug Synapse configurations with MI 1.2.0

   Support for configuring embedded server via the IDE

   View deployed services using the Runtime Services view

   Embedded WSO2 EI Monitoring dashboard to list details of the deployed

Data-mapper mediator improvements


   AI mapper user confirmation

   Datamapper editor UI improvements

   JSON/XML array support for datamapper

Synapse Unit testing framework improvements


   Detailed failure analysis for unit test failures

   Synapse template testing support

   HTTP status code and HTTP version assertion support

   JSON and text payload assertion with sequence testing

Data services editor improvements


   New editor theme

   Input/output mapping generation capability

RCP improvements


   New Integration Studio theme with new icons

   Getting started page revamp

   New update notification functionality

A list of tasks/bug fixes and improvements shipped with this release can be
found below:


   Alpha release

   Beta release

   RC1 release


WSO2 Integration Studio can be downloaded via the website


Online documentation is available at
Streaming Integrator 1.1.0Key Features and Improvements

Error Capturing and Event Replay

   - Capability to capture erroneous events and store them
   - Error store browser for detailed information on each error
   - Event replay support to replay the erroneous events after corrective

Data Flow Monitoring

   - Grafana and Prometheus based monitoring dashboard
   - Statistics on CDC, File processing and DB interactions
   - Stats and figures at different granularities with drill down capability

New Connectors

   - Azure Data Lake
   - CDC for MongoDB
   - File system event listener
   - Improvements to S3 connector to support file operations

Extension Installation

   - Command line tool assist installing extensions/connectors with ease
   - Automatically download all required dependencies from a single command
   - Notify users of required extensions by parsing siddhi apps

DownloadWSO2 Streaming Integrator can be downloaded via the website
documentation is available at
DockerDocker image can be downloaded from docker hub under the name
<https://hub.docker.com/r/wso2/streaming-integrator>Streaming Integrator
Tooling 1.1.0Key Features and Improvements Streaming ETL Task wizard

   - Allows to build a simple ETL task with no code in matter of minutes
   - Configure the data source and sink
   - Process input data with using filters and aggregations
   - Graphical data mapping capability

Improvements To Design View

   - Extensive support for CDC and File connectors with Cron expression
   generation UI

Error Store Browser

   - Browse through the captured errors
   - Detailed view on each error with the log extracts, input payload
   - Allows user to alter the payload if required and replay the events

DownloadWSO2 Streaming Integrator tooling can be downloaded via the website
documentation is available at

~ The Enterprise Integrator Team ~

Sasikala Kottegoda
*Associate Technical Lead*
WSO2 Inc., http://wso2.com/
lean. enterprise. middleware
Mobile: +94 774835928

[image: https://wso2.com/signature] <https://wso2.com/signature>
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