
Did we ever reach agreement on the format of these URLs? It'd be great to get it nailed down before beta-1 rolls out :)


On 04/07/2007, at 11:28 AM, Brett Porter wrote:

So, last time this topic came up, there was disagreement on the / get/ interface.

Regarding using /get/ instead of just /repository/ URL as is, I said (<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)... "Ok, while I'd definitely prefer to make it work, if it can't then I'd prefer we made the change in the other direction (the default repository URL is get only, we have /repository-id/webdav/ as the webdav exposure point)."
to which Nicolas agreed.

We then diverged into discussing auto-discovery of the getId from the path which there were technical reasons to not do.

However, I do not want all repositories to look like /archiva/ repository/releases/get/maven2/. Yikes.


On 04/07/2007, at 12:32 AM, Joakim Erdfelt wrote:


1) Create DynamicGetServlet which parses ....
2) Create Maven1GetProvider which has an id "maven1", and serves artifacts / poms to it. 3) Create Maven2GetProvider which has an id "maven2", and serves artifacts / poms / metadata to it.
4) Test
5) Done.

- Joakim

Brett Porter wrote:
Sounds good. With the M1 client support, can you post a small design proposal first since last I remember we didn't reach consensus on how it should be implemented?

- Brett

On 03/07/2007, at 8:15 AM, Joakim Erdfelt wrote:

I agree.

I view 1.0-beta-1 as feature complete.

The current missing features ...
* Reporting (about 80% there right now, just some UI pieces left to hook up) * Maven 1 Client Support (about 40% complete. need to hook up DynamicGetServlet)
* Live documentation. (present in archiva.war)

- Joakim

Brett Porter wrote:

On 03/07/2007, at 3:28 AM, Wendy Smoak wrote:

Archiva 1.0-alpha-2 is out in the wild... what's next? 1.0- beta-1
seems reasonable, but /topic in #archiva says "coming soon, the
Archiva 1.0 (the "Ship It" release)".

I was kidding (but that should be the focus from now on. Get it done.) I agree 1.0-beta-1 is next - it should be feature complete.

- Brett

- Joakim Erdfelt
 Open Source Software (OSS) Developer

- Joakim Erdfelt
 Open Source Software (OSS) Developer

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