On Mon, Mar 17, 2008 at 9:16 AM, Lustig, Marc (Allianz Deutschland AG)

>  our company is currently evaluating a number of repository management
>  tools for Maven. We are now about to decide between Archiva and
>  Artifactory.
>  Archiva is fitting our requirements best, however we discovered 2 bugs
>  (described on the user's list). The most problematic bug is that
>  clicking the menu item "Find Artifact" causes both IE6 and firefox2 to
>  crash/shutdown immediately. I suppose it relates to the applet. The
>  installed Java-version is 1.6.0-b105.
>  Can you please advise what might be the cause for this issue, so that we
>  don't need to make a decision against Archiva. Thanks.

I don't see the problem with the applet in JIRA, can you please open
an issue?  http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MRM

If the 'find' feature is not a major requirement, you can remove it
from the menu by configuring archiva.xml.  I've had to do this in a
corporate environment which does not permit applets.

  • Archiva evaluation Lustig, Marc (Allianz Deutschland AG)
    • Re: Archiva evaluation Wendy Smoak

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