Hi Brett,
which descriptor do you talk about?
- the archetype-metadata.xml located in the archetype jars
- the archetype-catalog.xml located at repositories root

In the later case maybe the archetype:crawl goal (or the
RepositoryCrawler component in archetype-common) could help you



2008/3/19, Brett Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> I've only taken a quick look. I do like the idea of gathering more
>  information so this is a good avenue to pursue.
>  I have some really fundamental questions first though, so help me out:
>  - how would this replace scanning if it only deals with JARs?
>  - what are the assumptions that have been proven to be misguided that
>  you refer to?
>  - I haven't looked at the code, but my initial reaction was that it
>  either overlaps or copies a lot from current archiva classes or maven-
>  shared-jar - is that correct or am I missing something?
>  When I think about collecting more information about artifacts, I
>  really think about decorators that can be added (so you can add your
>  own). Wouldn't this be best done as a small set of those? (which could
>  be integrated into trunk now - in fact it was something I wanted to
>  look at tomorrow to add the new archetype descriptor indexing now that
>  its released)
>  Thanks,
>  Brett
>  On 11/03/2008, at 3:25 PM, Joakim Erdfelt wrote:
>  > I've been working on and off on a few different archiva related
>  > tools / tasks / libs.
>  >
>  > Brett and Wendy convinced me to upload what I got and outline what
>  > I've got in mind to let the creative juices flow. (besides, I'm
>  > running out of time to commit to archiva, so this work will be slow
>  > to progress if i do it alone).
>  >
>  > Concept: archiva-jarinfo.
>  >
>  > A library for jar indexing / searching / identification for local
>  > repositories, arbitrary directories of jars, and even remote
>  > repositories.
>  >
>  > For use by ...
>  >
>  > * Archiva itself as a possible replacement for repository scanning,
>  > indexing, and searching.
>  >   (Searching on checksums, filenames, classnames, imports,
>  > identification fields, and even public / exposed methods)
>  > * Archiva RepoMan WebStart Tool - a tool I've been wanting to help
>  > identify and upload content to an Archiva repository.
>  > * Archiva Maven Plugin - imagine typing $ mvn archiva:search -
>  > Dquery=Logger and getting hits on
>  >   log4j, slf4j, commons-logging, plexus-logging, etc...  found from
>  > results from local repository and remote repository.
>  > * Q4E integration - adding some ability to q4e to search local
>  > repository and remote repositories for dependencies.
>  >
>  > Some details.
>  >
>  > (Some of this exists and works, Some of it does not, remember this
>  > is a Work in Progress)
>  >
>  > The existing repository scanning / indexing in Archiva server makes
>  > some assumptions that have proven to be misguided (such as only
>  > searching for new content based on timestamp).  The new approach
>  > that archiva-jarinfo takes is to mitigate the time consuming part of
>  > the scan that the new content timestamp check attempts to avoid, the
>  > processing of the jar file.
>  > This is done by checking for a new xml file with the contents of the
>  > jar file (called ${artifact}-${version}.jarinfo), if the file
>  > exists, it's up to date, if it doesn't exist, the jar details are
>  > collected and the jarinfo file is created.
>  > I've seen this useful if you sync or copy repository directories
>  > too. as the jarinfo files come along for the ride and reduce the
>  > requirements for archiva to determine the jar details yet again.
>  > The scan creates a Jar Info Bundle (*.jib file) that is just a jar
>  > file with all of the *.jarinfo xml files in it, for consumption by
>  > remote JarInfo clients to use for indexing purposes.
>  >
>  > The JarInfo client uses the JarInfo lib to create an index for
>  > checksums, jar content filenames, and public/exposed bytecode
>  > information.
>  >
>  > The JarInfo client can search local repos, remote repos, and even
>  > arbitrary directories of jar files.
>  >
>  > The JarInfo client can take an anonymous Jar file and perform a
>  > series of identification checks in an attempt to identify the Jar
>  > file based on jar file contents, and even similarity to jar files
>  > found in the JarInfo indexes.
>  >
>  > That's all the info I can squeeze out tonite, hopefully someone else
>  > will find this useful.
>  >
>  > Thanks,
>  > - Joakim
> --
>  Brett Porter
>  http://blogs.exist.com/bporter/

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