On 18/04/2008, at 7:23 AM, James William Dumay wrote:

Making these index pages is not difficult.

Marc, if this is something you want to work on please go ahead :)

the class on trunk is "IndexWriter".

I'm sure we can add a config to redirect to the browse pages too, but for the reasons Wendy gave I don't think that shoiuld be the default.

- Brett


On Thu, 2008-04-17 at 08:32 -0700, Wendy Smoak wrote:
On Thu, Apr 17, 2008 at 7:23 AM, Lustig, Marc (Allianz Deutschland AG)

The idea now is to implement a differentiation between file- requests and
- file-requests should not be touched
- directory-requests should be redirected
from [app-url]/repository/[reponame]/{suffix}
to [app-url]/browse/{suffix}

The /browse/ url is a consolidated view of all the content.  I'm not
opposed to making the directory listings prettier, but I still need to
be able to click around a _single_ repository with the
/repository/repo-id/ path.

Brett Porter

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