I have done exactly that - several times - usually to verify that
changes I've made in Archiva haven't screwed something up - and a couple
times because something I downloaded caused maven to choke and do

   However, I also do have problems with snapshot plugins when doing a
'mvn -U' or a 'mvn clean'.  I assume I am missing a reference to a
snapshot repo somewhere, or that the exclusion of snapshots on my
Archiva 'internal' repo blocks them.


On Tue, 2007-10-16 at 11:11 +0200, Kristof Jozsa wrote:
> Hi,
> do I assume correctly that if I had a correct archiva repo set up and the
> correct local mirrorOf * setting in my settings.xml, after wiping out my whole
> ~/.m2/repository/ directory I could do a successful build with mvn?
> Appearently that's not the case for me, not even the resource or the
> clean-plugin can be downloaded after a completely removed local repository. I
> really wonder what's wrong but first I'd love to get a confirmation that the
> case above should work and my understanding of the concepts is correct..
> thx,
> Kristof

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