More information : deleting the local repository (only the groupId) fix the problem, artifact is then correctly downloaded. Is it due to corruption during download or what else ? This wasn't often happening until upgrade to beta-4 and then 1.0; now this error seems to occur more often.

Julien CARSIQUE a écrit :

What's the difference between repositories scanning cron and database update cron ?
Is there some recommended values ?

Could you give me a cron example please ? I already asked and you answered me to see quartz but there is two different cron patterns using the web interface; even I know cron, I don't understand the 6th value for repositories and not for database. Usually it's about a user but here I don't know and didn't find doc in quartz about how you use the library.

Last, I currently have a strange issue happening sometimes (why I suspect the scanning process) : maven can't find some artifacts whereas they are present in the filesystem and findable using the web ui. In archiva logs, I can lines saying it didn't find the wanted artifact (and many many others). Could this be link to a misconfigured cron ?


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