
have you set up either username/password on the maven side or anonymous access
in Archiva?


javijava wrote:
> Hi to all!   .I'm not sure where can i post my question:
> I have a Maven local repo managed by Apache archiva.Well now, i'm trying to
> do a mvn release,and after 
> modify the local pom of the project i have a build error:
>   svn: Commitfailed (details follow)
>   svn: PROPFIND request failed on '/(project)'
>   svn: PROPFIND of  '/(project)' : 405 Method not allowed.
> In server we have: .a SVN repo with the user configured in passwd file.
>                            .Access http via Apache2  (here i don't demand
> users, just put de  path of repo)
>                            .Apache Archiva
> Someone knows where must be  the problem? thanks a lot!

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