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Date: Sun, 21 May 2006  5:20:38  -0540
From: "Leonard George" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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Date: Sun, 21 May 2006  5:20:38  -0540
From: "Leonard George" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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This weeks pick. 
We Expect the to really move. 


Big News Just Out!
PRICE: 0.53
5 Day expected 2.26

Cantex Energy Corp. Corporate Update
Tuesday May 9, 2:09 pm ET 

SAN ANTONIO-May 9, 2006--Cantex Energy Corp. "the Company,"  Management would 
like to report that there are no material changes in the Company affairs and 
that the Big Canyon Prospect in West Texas is on schedule to commence the 
forty-two miles of seismic work later this month.

To hear more on the Company, shareholders are encouraged to visit the Company's 
web site where a recent interview with the Company president has been posted.

In addition, the Company wishes to confirm that it has executed the closing of 
a $250,000 private placement, as announced April 19, 2006, and is now funded to 
allow for the completion of the 1.6 million dollar geophysical work program. 
The Company still plans to accept an additional $250,000 in subscriptions that 
are expected to close within the next ten business days with use of proceeds 
for use as general working capital.

Trace Maurin, President of Cantex commented, "We encourage our valued 
shareholders to be patient as we approach the commencement date of this very 
unique opportunity in one of the last under-explored, world-class potential gas 
plays with no geopolitical risks."

Cantex Energy Corp. is an independent, managed risk, oil and gas exploration, 
development, and production company headquartered in San Antonio, Texas. The 
Company's additional focus is the optimal exploitation and development of 
approximately 1,200 acres known as the West Ant Hills Prospect located in 
Niobrara County Wyoming.

It's ready to explode!

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