Your command:

                SUBSCRIBE COMPUTERGUYS-L Starson Warrion

has  been received.  You must  now reply  to this  message (as  explained
below) to  complete your subscription.  The purpose of  this confirmation
procedure is to make  sure that you have indeed requested  to be added to
the list.

To confirm  the execution of  your command,  simply reply to  the present
message and type "ok" (without the quotes) as the text of your message.

Just the word "ok" - do not  retype the command. This procedure will work
with any mail  program that fully conforms to the  Internet standards for
electronic  mail. If  you receive  an error  message, try  sending a  new
message to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (without  using the "reply" function
- this  is very  important) and type  "ok 7B1BF3D8" as  the text  of your

Finally,  your command  will be  cancelled  automatically if  you do  not
confirm it within 48. After that time, you must start over and resend the
command  to get  a new  confirmation code.  If you  change your  mind and
decide that  you do NOT want  to confirm the command,  simply discard the
present message and let the command expire on its own.

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