Tue, 12 Jan 2010 13:53:59

Your subscription to the ECONOMICGEOGRAPHY-L list (AAG Economic Geography
Speciality Group) has been accepted.

Please save this message for future  reference, especially if this is the
first time you are subscribing to an electronic mailing list. If you ever
need to  leave the list,  then you  will find the  necessary instructions
below. Perhaps  more importantly, saving a  copy of this message  (and of
all future  subscription notices from  other mailing lists) in  a special
mail folder will give you instant access  to the list of mailing lists to
which you are subscribed.  This may prove useful the next  time you go on
vacation and need to leave the lists temporarily to avoid filling up your
mailbox while  you are away.  You should  also save the  welcome messages
from the  list owners  that you  may receive after  subscribing to  a new

To send a message to all of  the people currently subscribed to the list,
just send mail to economicgeograph...@listserv.uconn.edu, which is called
the list address. You must never try to send any command to that address,
as it  would be distributed  to all the  people who have  subscribed. All
commands  must  be  sent  to lists...@listserv.uconn.edu,  which  is  the
LISTSERV address.  It is important  to understand the  difference between
the two.

You   may  leave   the  list   at  any   time  by   sending  a   "SIGNOFF
ECONOMICGEOGRAPHY-L" command to lists...@listserv.uconn.edu. You can also
tell LISTSERV how you want it to confirm the receipt of messages you send
to the list.  To send yourself a  copy of your own messages,  send a "SET
ECONOMICGEOGRAPHY-L REPRO" command. Alternatively,  to have LISTSERV send
you a  short acknowledgement instead of  the entire message, send  a "SET
ECONOMICGEOGRAPHY-L  ACK  NOREPRO" command.  Finally,  you  can turn  off
acknowledgements  completely  with  the  "SET  ECONOMICGEOGRAPHY-L  NOACK
NOREPRO" command.

Note:  Subscription  settings  and  preferences can  also  be  set  using
LISTSERV's Web  Interface. For more  information on using commands  or on
using the Web  Interface to set your subscription settings,  see the List
Subscriber's Manual at http://www.lsoft.com/resources/manuals.asp.

More  information on  LISTSERV  commands  can be  found  in the  LISTSERV
reference  card, which  you can  retrieve  by sending  an "INFO  REFCARD"
command to lists...@listserv.uconn.edu.

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