<title>Sales Tip Of The Week - SalesTrainingCamp.com</title>

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    <td valign="top" bgcolor="#AA3700"><div align="right" class="style7"><font 
color="#FFFFFF" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">December 22, 
    <td height="1130" valign="top" class="style6"><table width="100%" 
        <th class="style6" scope="col"><p><img 
width="600" height="80"></p>
          <p><a href="http://www.addthis.com/bookmark.php?v=20"; 
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                <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3">
                    <td width="100%" height="31" valign="top" 
bgcolor="#C9BCAD"><p class="style6">                      Featured Article: <a 
href="#2">3 Ways To Outsell Your Competitors by Jim Meisenheimer</a></p>
                <table width="100%" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">
                    <th valign="top" bgcolor="#675744" class="style6" 
scope="col"><div align="left" class="style15">
                        <div align="center"><u>$9.99 For The First 25 
People</u> (Regular Price Is $39 per download)<br>
                    <td height="320" valign="top" class="style6"><div 
                      <p align="left" class="style6"><a 
 alt="" width="100" height="143" align="right" /><span class="style6">How to 
Create the Ultimate Prospecting Opening Statement Download - Only $9.99 Per 
Download For The First 25 People</span></a><span class="style6"> - <font 
face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Has 
                        it been a struggle to create and deliver a prospecting 
opening statement 
                        that gets prospect to listen? Are your prospects 
terminating your 
                        calls before you've even begun to probe? Are you tired 
of the rejection 
                        and dejection?</font></span></p>
                      <p class="style6"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, 
sans-serif">Developing an 
                        effective opening statement that gets prospects engaged 
is an ever 
                        increasing challenge. Prospects are intolerant and 
jaded thanks 
                        to the dozens of poor and mediocre calls they field 
from sales reps 
                        every month. </font></p>
                      <p class="style6"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, 
sans-serif">But getting 
                        through the clutter and getting heard does not have to 
be difficult. 
                        By applying a simple 5-step process you will learn how 
to create 
                        an opening statement that gets prospects to pause, 
listen and respond.</font></p>
                      <p class="style6"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, 
sans-serif"> Comprehensive, 
                        thorough and complete with templates that you can use 
                        you'll discover what to say, what NOT to say and how to 
say it to 
                        increase your odds of completing a successful call. 
                      <p class="style6"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, 
sans-serif">Here is some of what you'll learn: </font></p>
                      <ul class="style7">
                        <li class="style6"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, 
sans-serif">What prospects 
                          say they hate about prospecting opening statements 
                          (and how to avoid them)</font></li>
                        <li class="style6"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, 
sans-serif">The <strong class="style16">5 
                          Simple elements of a good opening statement 
</strong>that you 
                          must use every time</font></li>
                        <li class="style6"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, 
sans-serif"><strong class="style16">The 
                          WWD</strong> (what we do): How to position you and 
your company 
                          and intrigue your client</font></li>
                        <li class="style6"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, 
sans-serif"><strong class="style16">Trigger 
                          Phrases</strong>: what they are and how they get 
customers to 
                          listen more closely to your message</font></li>
                        <li class="style6"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, 
sans-serif">The Big 3 
                          Templates: most effective openers... ever</font></li>
                        <li class="style6"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, 
sans-serif">How to ask 
                          if &quot;it's a good time&quot; without asking 
&quot;is this a 
                          good time&quot; and <strong class="style16">avoiding 
                        <li class="style6"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, 
sans-serif">Using the 
                          1 Quick Question (1QQ) to deal with <strong 
class="style16">common knee jerk objections</strong></font></li>
                        <li class="style6"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, 
sans-serif">And much more . . .</font></li>
                      <div align="left"><a 
 target="_blank">Click here to order now!</a></div></td>
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                                <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="3" 
                                    <td height="25" colspan="3" valign="top" 
bgcolor="#BEAF9C"><p><font color="#FFFFFF"><strong><a name="2" 
id="12"></a></strong></font><span class="style6">3 Ways To Outsell Your 
Competitors by Jim Meisenheimer</span></p></td>
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bgcolor="#FFFFFF" class="style6"><a 
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                                <p>Here  are 3 ways to outsell your 
competitors. The one thing you never want to do is  exactly what the 
competition is doing because it does nothing to differentiate  you.<br />
                                  <br />
1.<strong> Know more</strong>!  Don't under-estimate the importance of this 
one. You'll definitely outsell your  competitors if you know more than they 
                                <p> You need  to know more about your sales 
prospects and customers,you can do this with  Google's help - <a 
target="_blank">http://www.google.com/alerts</a>. </p>
                                <p> You need  to know more about your company, 
and you obviously need to know more about your  products.</p>
                                <p> You also  need to know more about business. 
Reading the Wall Street Journal is a good way  to do this. You also need to 
know more about salesmanship or the art of  selling.</p>
                                <p> Go to your  personal library, I hope you 
have one, and count up the number of books you own  on the subject of 
                                <p> Sure, I  know you're already overloaded 
with things to do, and finding time to learn  more about some of these things 
just doesn't seem practical or even possible to  you.</p>
                                <p> But  remember this . . .</p>
                                the entire article visit: <a 
                              <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" 
                                  <th valign="top" bgcolor="aa3700" 
scope="col"><div align="left" class="style15">
                                      <div align="center" 
class="style6"><strong>You Won't Believe How Affordable Team Training Now 
                                  <td valign="top" class="style6"><p 
                                      <p align="left"><span class="style2"> 
 alt="" width="175" height="300" hspace="10" vspace="5" border="0" 
align="right" usemap="#Map3" />
                                            <map name="Map3" id="Map3">
                                              <area shape="rect" 
coords="40,0,186,36" href="http://www.salestrainingcentral.com"; target="_blank" 
alt="Team Training - New Pricing" />
                                        There are many reasons to consider Team 
Training as your sales training solution. Here are just some of the 
highlights:</span> </p>
                                        <li><strong>24/7 Access To <u>Over 
100</u> Sales Seminars </strong> &ndash; Our online sales training courses are 
only a mouse click away, so  you can immediately access how to: get your foot 
in the door, uncover your  prospect&rsquo;s pain,  ask for the sale etc.<br />
                                            <br />
                                      <li><strong>Sales  Training 
Coaching</strong> &ndash;Team Training is like having your own personal sales  
coach without the hefty fee. This is perfect for sales managers to be able to 
coach  multiple reps at one time and in different locations.<br />
                                            <br />
                                      <li><strong>It&rsquo;s So  Easy</strong> 
&ndash; Once we receive your order, <strong><em>we can have you up and running 
in less  than 30 minutes</em>.</strong> Best of all, it will only take you 
about 5 minutes to figure  out how to use our internet sales training program. 
<br />
                                            <br />
                                      <li><strong>Sales  Management 
Training</strong> &ndash; Most sales managers have little or no training. Why  
invest in sales training if you aren&rsquo;t going to equip your management 
team? Our programs helps sales managers be more effective, efficient, and 
credible. Best of all, our program includes it as part of the training.<br />
                                            <br />
                                      <li><strong>Make Sales Meetings More 
Productive</strong> - Unfortunately most sales meetings consist of rehashing 
the same old thing. You discuss a new product, monthly numbers, etc. Very 
little, if any meetings teach your team how to sell more. With our program, 
your team will further develop their selling skills. Best of all, managers will 
save time not having to create their own program for meetings.<br />
href="http://www.salestrainingcentral.com";><br />
href="http://www.salestrainingcentral.com"; target="_blank">Click here for 
details . . . .</a></li>
                                  <td valign="top">&nbsp;</td>
                            <p>&nbsp;</p>          </td>
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    <td height="136" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><div align="center" 
        <p align="center">Copyright(c) 
          2010 Slife Sales Training, Inc. All rights reserved. No other 
          or transmission in any form without express written permission from 
          Slife Sales Training, Inc.<br>
          Contact Slife Sales Training, Inc. at <a 
          for questions, comments, or for permission to reprint any 
      <p align="center" class="style6">You 
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        as: archive@mail-archive.com<br>
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      <p align="center" class="style6">To 
    subscribe to &quot;The Sales Trainer&quot; , visit our website at 
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