isenburg has invited you to join the The LAS room - a place to discuss the specification of the LAS format group with this message:
Hello, I created the missing public forum for those who want LAS to succeed as an open standard. Here you can go on record with bug reports, suggestions, and concerns about the current and proposed specifications. The current proposal for a LAS 1.4 specification breaks away in compatibility from the LAS 1.0 -LAS 1.3 family [2,3]. In this open letter [1] I explain why this is a bad idea and describe an easy fix of the current proposal. It seems the ASPRS committee wants to ignore these concerns (which are shared among a number of reputed people in the LIDAR community). What to do now? Contact the ASPRS LAS committee [4], ask for a draft of the proposed specification, and join in an open discussion here. [1] 4_specification.pdf [2] html [3] [4] Fixing this broken LAS 1.4 specification requires nothing more than to rearrange a few count and offset fields in the LAS header as detailed in the open letter [1]. Regards, Martin Here is the group's description: This is a public forum for those who want LAS to succeed as an open standard. Here you can go on record with bug reports, suggestions, and concerns about the current and proposed specifications. LAS is a public file format for the interchange of LIDAR point cloud data that was created by the ASPRS. ---------------------- Google Groups Information ---------------------- You can accept this invitation by clicking the following URL: --------------------- If This Message Is Unwanted --------------------- If you feel that this message is abuse, please inform the Google Groups staff by using the URL below.