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Vision MiVeda vision is to 
become a market leader in providing natural, safe and healthy products for 
nutrition, personal care, cosmetics and household care throughout 
India.Further, MiVeda has a vision to provide an opportunity for all the people 
of India to change their lives and lifestyle by becoming part of the MiVeda 
team. PhilosophyAt 
MiVeda, our philosophy is to provide safer non-toxic personal care, cosmetic, 
household products and nutritional products that can potentially contribute to 
the well-being and quality of life of our customers and the community.MiVeda 
achieves this philosophy by providing products which: •     Do not contain 
any potentially harmful or toxic ingredients•     Are environment 
friendly•     Are not tested on animals. Our objective is also to share 
our business and success with our customers and provide the people of India 
with:•     An opportunity to enhance and enrich their lifestyle;•     
The ability to generate income from one of the best and highest paying 
home-based business opportunities available in India;•     The chance to 
achieve financial freedom and security.• Our Values Our 
EnvironmentMiVeda is a "green" company.We care for the environment and use 
packaging materials that can be safely recycled or disposed of in landfill. We 
are working towards a better future for the earth and our all our families. All 
ingredients used in our products can be considered "earth friendly" and have no 
deleterious effect.Our peopleWe are passionately committed to making a 
difference in people's lives with high quality products, while our business 
model can help our distributors achieve financial independence, greater freedom 
and improved health.We reflect our values by providing an honest, professional, 
friendly and caring service whilst at all times remaining focused on the best 
interest of our distributors, customers and their families. Our IntegrityWe 
maintain complete integrity and honesty in all our dealings. And, we believe in 
honest and clear communication with our stakeholders, distributors and 
customers. Our NameOur company name “MiVeda” was created after a 
long and thoughtful process as the founders believed it encompassed the 
philosophies and values of the company.“Mi” [pronounced my] has 
multiple meanings.•     “My Vision”  –  which the 
founders have for the company.•     “My Opportunity” – 
for distributors who want to embrace the benefits our company provides. This 
opportunity allows distributors to take ownership of the chance to change their 
lives and all the ideals we stand for.•     “My Life” – 
which reflects the philosophy, knowledge and wisdom our company has about 
natural, healthy and safe products which we provide to our customers and all 
the community.•     "My Health" – which reflects the chance 
distributors have to take control of their health by using safe, non-toxic 
products as well as fantastic nutritional products.“Veda” 
[pronounced vayda] represents the fundamental philosophy of “vedic” 
principles.•     "Veda" – is a term generally accepted to describe 
“Knowledge”, “Wisdom” and in some contexts 
“Science”. There are four Vedas known to mankind (The Rig Veda,The 
Sam Veda,The Atharv Veda and The Yajur Veda). MiVeda founders especially chose 
this term to reflect the scientific knowledge and wisdom which led to the use 
of the selected ingredients and formulae used in the MiVeda products which are 
natural, healthy and safe.•     “Veda” – allows people 
to embrace the goodness of the ancient Indian Ayurveda and reflects our 
philosophy of promoting long healthy life by using natural, healthy and safe 
products as well as dietary supplements that provide all the proper nutrition 
your body requires in the modern world.•                


                                            About Circle "Nutritional 

                                            Founder: Ramabadran Seshadri                                        
                                        Description: Additionally, there is 
another subject covered on the linked webpage I have provided:
This is about the topic of Hidden Dangers in commercially available personal 
care products which are most often used by Indians every day. This audio link 
features a wide variety of extremely well qualified medical and science health 
professionals who express their views and concerns about potentially harmful 
ingredients used in everyday products used by almost everyone in the community. 
It is a powerful message and presented with plenty of scientific information. 
This information has such an impact in Australia, that the Australian TGA has 
recently placed a very common surfactant used in India on the Poisons list. I 
can supply more information if required. The offending surfactant is called 
Sodium Lauryl Sulphate (or derivatives). Dr Dale strongly believes no one 
should use products with this ingredient in them (e.g. toothpaste, mo           



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