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in a few cases, can swivel to track prey. Arthropods also have a wide range of 
chemical and mechanical sensors, mostly based on modifications of the many 
setae (bristles) that project through their cuticles. Arthropods' methods of 
reproduction and development are diverse; all terrestrial species use internal 
fertilization, but this is often by indirect transfer of the sperm via an 
appendage or the ground, rather than by direct injection.

Aquatic species use either internal or external fertilization. Almost all 
arthropods lay eggs, but scorpions give birth to live young after the eggs have 
hatched inside the mother. Arthropod hatchlings vary from mintal metamorphosis 
to produce the adult form. The level of maternal care for hatchlings varies 
from nonexistent to the prolonged care provided by scorpions.

The evolutionary ancestry of arthropods dates back to the Cambrian period. The 
group is generally regarded as monophyletic, and many analyses support the 
placement of arthropods with cycloneuralians (or their constituent clades) in a 
superphylum Ecdysozoa. Overall, however, the basal relationships of Metazoa are 
not yet well resolved. Likewise, the relationships between various arthropod 
groups are still actively debated.iature adults to grubs and caterpillars that 
lack jointed limbs and eventually undergo a total metamorphosis to produce the 
adult form. The level of maternal care for hatchlings varies from nonexistent 
to the prolonged care provided by scorpions.

The evolutionary ancestry of arthropods dates back to the Cambrian period. The 
group is generally regarded as monophyletic, and many analyses support the 
placement of arthropods with cyclon

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