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Audition for Nunsense II: Tonight Only!

Nunsense 2 Auditions: No parts will be pre-cast, so please join us!

Prepare a one minute acapella song that highlights vocal range and come to the 

Tuesday, December 10, 6pm!

**If you are unable to audition Then, please contact Debbie Waters, Director, 
by text at 870-416-6195**.


The show opens to "Nunsense, the Magic Word" and then there is a high-speed 
recapitulation of what happened during the Nuns' first show. This is narrated 
by Sister Mary Hubert and acted out in silent-film-style by Sisters Robert 
Anne, Mary Paul (Amnesia) and Merry Leo (a novice whose ambition is to the the 
first nun ballerina), this is capped off by the upbeat "Winning is Just the 

The program proceeds with Sister Mary Paul (known as Amnesia ever since a 
crucifix hit her on the head and she lost her memory) running a bingo game in 
which something goes wrong and the entire audience wins at once.

The variety show continues with Sister Mary Leo (now on roller skates) and the 
other nuns performing "The Biggest Still Ain't Best".

Reverend Mother considers everything is going well and introduces Sister Mary 
Paul in sequined scapular and cowboy boots as the newest country-singing 
sensation. The telephone rings. Sister Mary Leo answers and discovers that the 
Franciscans are on their way to the convent to claim Sister Mary Paul as one of 
their own!

Sister Robert Anne tries to reason with the Franciscans. Reverend Mother 
regales the audience with tales of her days in the circus, followed by the rest 
of the nuns as they perform "The Padre Polka", a please for women priests.

To try and briefly describe the action in the second half of the program would 
try the patience of any Reverend Mother but after numbers such as "We're the 
Nuns to Come When You Go", "What Would Elvis Do?", "I Am Here To Stay", "What a 
Catastrophe", "No One Cared Like You" and the rousing gospel finale "There's 
Only One Way To End Your Prayers" along with possible nun-napping, theft, 
impersonation and other riotous mayhem, the show comes to an hilarious 

5 Female Leads, 6 Spotlight characters, Ensemble--up to 20 in cast

Reverend Mother Mary Regina (Mother Superior)--Feisty, overweight Sophie Tucker 
type who can't resist the spotlight age 50-60s, Female, Soprano

Sister Mary Hubert (Mistress of Novices)--Second in command, always competing 
with Mother Superior age Mid 50s, Mezzo-Soprano

Sister Robert Anne (Streetwise nun from Brooklyn)--, source of aggravation for 
Mother Superior mid30-40s--Mezzo-Soprano

Sister Mary Paul (Amnesia. Nun who lost her memory) Very sweet, wants to be a 
country singer 30s Strong High Soprano

Sister Mary Leo (Novice who wants to be a ballerina) also must be able to 
roller skate 20s-30s--Mezzo Soprano

Father Virgil (Convent Chaplain)

Sister Mary Wilhelm (Convent Nurse)

Sister Julia, Child of God (Convent Cook)

Sister Mary Brendan (A teacher)

Sister Mary Luke (A teacher)

Brother Timothy (Stagehand)

Chorus (Nuns, Brothers, Priests, and Students)

Father (or Sister Mary) Patrick (Musical Director/Conductor)

Sisters and/or Priests and Brothers (Musicians)

Sister Mary (or Brother) Sebastian (Stage Manager)

Sister Mary (or Brother) Myopia (Spotlight operator)

CASTING NOTE: Sister Julia, normally played by a woman, can be played by a man 
impersonating Julia Child. The chorus can be made up of Sisters, Brothers, 
Priests, and male and female students as desired.

About the OAC

The Ozark Arts Council is a cultural treasure created with money, labor, 
materials, and support from the entire community and is dedicated to enriching 
lives by promoting the arts in Harrison and North Arkansas. Since its founding 
in 1996, the non-profit 501(c)(3) organization has touched the lives of many 
through exhibitions, performances, and education. The OAC is the proud owner 
and operator of the historic Lyric Theater, which was built in 1929, and the 
operator of the Oak Leaf Gallery and GiftShop. The OAC supports six member 
organizations: The Theatre Company of the Ozarks, Northark Drama, Harrison Art 
League (
 ), The Twentieth Century Club, Woman’s Book Club, and the Lyric Theater 
Concert Association. Educational Programs include the Children’s Choir of the 
Ozarks (
 ). Support for the Ozark Arts Council is provided by foundations, local 
businesses, and individuals. The OAC is a member of the Historic Harrison 
Business Association (
 ), the Arkansas Nonprofit Alliance (
 ), and Arkansas Museums Association (

**For additional info, including how to become an OAC member (
 ), please visit our website (
 ) or call (870) 391-3504.**


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Ozark Arts Council | 115 West Rush | Harrison, Arkansas 72601 | 870.391.3504

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