
I'm working on getting e-mail requests set up in our new PUI, and have been 
encountering the following errors in the logs when ArchivesSpace attempts to 
display the request success page (key errors in bold):

Aug 23, 2017 12:42:10 PM 
org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandler$Context log
INFO: I, [2017-08-23T12:42:10.718672 #20482]  INFO -- : 
[c90e77e0-4387-4281-b38e-a533031ca293] Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 

Aug 23, 2017 12:42:10 PM 
org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandler$Context log
INFO: F, [2017-08-23T12:42:10.752777 #20482] FATAL -- : 

Aug 23, 2017 12:42:10 PM 
org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandler$Context log
INFO: F, [2017-08-23T12:42:10.753720 #20482] FATAL -- : 
[c90e77e0-4387-4281-b38e-a533031ca293] ActionView::Template::Error (undefined 
method `app_prefix' for #<#<Class:0x84f18da>:0x5ff8ec0>):

Aug 23, 2017 12:42:10 PM 
org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandler$Context log
INFO: F, [2017-08-23T12:42:10.764493 #20482] FATAL -- : 
[c90e77e0-4387-4281-b38e-a533031ca293]     4:   <h2>Record Requested</h2>
[c90e77e0-4387-4281-b38e-a533031ca293]     5:   <strong>Title</strong>: <%= 
@request.title %><br>
[c90e77e0-4387-4281-b38e-a533031ca293]     6:   <% url = 
"#{AppConfig[:public_proxy_url].sub(/\/^/, '')}#{@request.request_uri}" %>
[c90e77e0-4387-4281-b38e-a533031ca293]     7:   <strong>URL</strong>: <%= 
link_to url, app_prefix(url) %>
[c90e77e0-4387-4281-b38e-a533031ca293]     8: </div>
[c90e77e0-4387-4281-b38e-a533031ca293]     9:
[c90e77e0-4387-4281-b38e-a533031ca293]    10: <div class="user">

Aug 23, 2017 12:42:10 PM 
org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandler$Context log
INFO: F, [2017-08-23T12:42:10.766101 #20482] FATAL -- : 

Aug 23, 2017 12:42:10 PM 
org.eclipse.jetty.server.handler.ContextHandler$Context log
INFO: F, [2017-08-23T12:42:10.774380 #20482] FATAL -- : 
[c90e77e0-4387-4281-b38e-a533031ca293] app/mailers/request_mailer.rb:7:in 
app/controllers/requests_controller.rb:11:in `make_request'

Has anyone else encountered anything like this? I tried to fix it using a 
plugin to replace "app_prefix(url)" with some other link but I couldn't get the 
plugin to override the original page. Thanks in advance for any help provided!  
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