
I am writing to follow up on a recent post in which I asked for assistance with 
errors we were experiencing after upgrading to version 2.3.1 (see original post 

We took the following steps on the advice of LYRASIS tech support.

1)      Deleted five extra tables in our database that should've dropped in an 
older migration, including one called container:

We had 99 tables and there should be 94.


| Tables_in_archivesspace           |


| accession                         |

| active_edit                       |

| agent_contact                     |

| agent_corporate_entity            |

| agent_family                      |

| agent_person                      |

| agent_software                    |

| archival_object                   |

| assessment                        |

| assessment_attribute              |

| assessment_attribute_definition   |

| assessment_attribute_note         |

| assessment_reviewer_rlshp         |

| assessment_rlshp                  |

| auth_db                           |

| classification                    |

| classification_creator_rlshp      |

| classification_rlshp              |

| classification_term               |

| classification_term_creator_rlshp |

| collection_management             |

| container_profile                 |

| date                              |

| deaccession                       |

| default_values                    |

| deleted_records                   |

| digital_object                    |

| digital_object_component          |

| enumeration                       |

| enumeration_value                 |

| event                             |

| event_link_rlshp                  |

| extent                            |

| external_document                 |

| external_id                       |

| file_version                      |

| group                             |

| group_permission                  |

| group_user                        |

| instance                          |

| instance_do_link_rlshp            |

| job                               |

| job_created_record                |

| job_input_file                    |

| job_modified_record               |

| linked_agent_term                 |

| linked_agents_rlshp               |

| location                          |

| location_function                 |

| location_profile                  |

| location_profile_rlshp            |

| name_authority_id                 |

| name_corporate_entity             |

| name_family                       |

| name_person                       |

| name_software                     |

| note                              |

| note_persistent_id                |

| notification                      |

| owner_repo_rlshp                  |

| permission                        |

| preference                        |

| rde_template                      |

| related_accession_rlshp           |

| related_agents_rlshp              |

| repository                        |

| required_fields                   |

| resource                          |

| revision_statement                |

| rights_restriction                |

| rights_restriction_type           |

| rights_statement                  |

| rights_statement_act              |

| rights_statement_pre_088          |

| schema_info                       |

| sequence                          |

| session                           |

| spawned_rlshp                     |

| sub_container                     |

| subject                           |

| subject_rlshp                     |

| subject_term                      |

| subnote_metadata                  |

| surveyed_by_rlshp                 |

| system_event                      |

| telephone                         |

| term                              |

| top_container                     |

| top_container_housed_at_rlshp     |

| top_container_link_rlshp          |

| top_container_profile_rlshp       |

| user                              |

| user_defined                      |
| vocabulary

2)      Cleared out the /data/ directory and restarted ArchivesSpace

I am pleased to report that ArchivesSpace is working normally again.

Sarah Pinard, CA
Processing Archivist
University Archives
University at Buffalo
420 Capen Hall
Buffalo, NY 14260-1674
(716) 645-1362

From: archivesspace_users_group-boun...@lyralists.lyrasis.org 
<archivesspace_users_group-boun...@lyralists.lyrasis.org> On Behalf Of 
Christine Di Bella
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2018 1:49 PM
To: Archivesspace Users Group <archivesspace_users_group@lyralists.lyrasis.org>
Subject: Re: [Archivesspace_Users_Group] Errors editing older resource records 

Hi Sarah,

This sounds somewhat similar to the issue Ashley Knox reported yesterday and 
that our tech support people are helping with right now. I'm going to put a 
ticket in for you as well. (You'll see another message about that directly to 
you in a minute.) It would be great if you would report the resolution back to 
the list once it gets solved.


Christine Di Bella
ArchivesSpace Program Manager
800.999.8558 x2905
cdibella13 (Skype)


 On Behalf Of Pinard, Sarah
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2018 11:34 AM
Subject: [Archivesspace_Users_Group] Errors editing older resource records 


Since updating to ArchivesSpace version 2.3.1 we've experienced errors when 
editing resource records and accessions created prior to the upgrade. These 
errors occur when editing existing data (notes, identifiers, instances, etc.). 
We do not experience these errors when we add new archival objects and their 
associated instances, notes, etc. to the same resource records.  Another error 
we've run into is when we try to delete a resource record that was created 
prior to the upgrade.

We'd like to know if anyone else has seen these, if they have been reported, 
and if there's a fix?

Please see screenshots of the errors below.

When editing existing data in resource record or accession records:


When trying to delete a resource record:

Resource could not be deleted:

Record deletion failed: 
Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails 
(`archivesspace`.`container`, CONSTRAINT `container_ibfk_5` FOREIGN KEY 
(`instance_id`) REFERENCES `instance` (`id`))

Sarah Pinard, CA
Processing Archivist
University Archives
University at Buffalo
420 Capen Hall
Buffalo, NY 14260-1674
(716) 645-1362

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