Dear colleagues,

We are in the process of implementing ArchivesSpace at the Bodleian Libraries 
for post-medieval archives and manuscripts. We also run a locally-built TEI 
infrastructure for medieval manuscripts, and for manuscripts in a range of 
Middle Eastern and Asian languages.

One of our current priorities is exploring how we might introduce online 
ordering by patrons, and circulation. Ideally we would like to use the same 
approach for content described in ArchivesSpace and in TEI. The vast majority 
of circulation for archives and manuscripts is currently managed through paper 
slips (c. 30,000 requests p.a.), the exception being the growing proportion of 
material held in our offsite store (c. 5,000 requests p.a.). The offsite 
material (barcoded) is circulated by staff-mediated ordering through Ex Libris' 
Aleph, which hooks into GFA LAS (the software used to manage our offsite store).

It would be very helpful to us to hear colleagues' views on the different 
possibilities, and especially to discover what have you chosen at your 
institution, and what options and considerations were weighed in the process. 
We are also considering some exploratory consultancy in this area, and would be 
keen to hear expressions of interest in such work, and recommendations of 
consultants with appropriate expertise.

Feel free to respond to the list, or to email me directly.

Many thanks for your help!


Susan Thomas
Head of Archives & Modern Manuscripts
Bodleian Library

Tel:    +44 (0) 1865 283821
Post: Weston Library, Broad Street, Oxford, OX1 3BG

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