This is very exciting. As co-chair of SAA's TS-DACS, I'm very excited to see 
the following reports listed for development.

*  DACS Single-Level Required Description List Report: Parent Institution Name, 
Repository Short Name, Contact Details for the associated repository as well as 
Basic Information, Dates, Extents, Agent Links, and Notes for resources as 
defined by Describing Archives: A Content Standard, Second Edition.
*  DACS Single-Level Optimum Description List Report: Parent Institution Name, 
Repository Short Name, Contact Details for the associated repository as well as 
Basic Information, Dates, Extents, Agent Links, Notes, and Web Location for 
resources as defined by Describing Archives: A Content Standard, Second Edition.

Best wishes,

[] On Behalf Of 
Christine Kim
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2018 7:28 PM
To: Archivesspace Users Group; Archivesspace Member Reps;;;
Subject: [Archivesspace_Users_Group] Webinar Announcement: ArchivesSpace 
Reports Refactored - July 31

ArchivesSpace Reports Refactored

When: Tuesday, July 31, 2018
Time: 1:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. EST (10:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. PST)
Where: Webinar at<>
Dial-in only option: 669-900-6833 or 646-876-9923 - Meeting ID is 812-371-319
International numbers available:<>
No registration required. The session is limited to the first 100 participants. 
Please feel free to host a webinar viewing group. The webinar will be recorded 
and available for viewing at a later date.
Please note: We are using Zoom Video Communications to host this webinar, 
taking a break from Adobe Connect temporarily. If this is your first time using 
Zoom, please join this Test meeting to make sure you are all set up:

Webinar description:

Generating reports is an essential tool to reflect on productivity and 
prioritize workflows. However, running reports within the ArchivesSpace staff 
interface has been a challenge that often produced inadequate results. Many 
community members have established a variety of highly technical and creative 
workaround to generate reports externally from the staff user interface. 
However, development persisted on to improve the functionalities of reports 
within the native application.

Jr. Software Developer Sarah Morrissey (ArchivesSpace) has focused on 
refactoring and improving how reports can be generated in ArchivesSpace. In 
this webinar, Sarah will demonstrate the improvements in reports 
functionalities, and also provide some insight on the technical challenges she 

Sarah worked in close collaboration with ArchivesSpace Technical Lead Laney 
McGlohon as well as the ArchivesSpace User Advisory Council Reports sub-team. 
The Reports sub-team advances the ArchivesSpace reports module by defining 
reports conceptually and technically, documenting how to use the reports 
module, and suggesting enhancements to the report processes. Recommendations 
made by the sub-team are available on the wiki:<>
Please feel free to bring any questions you have.

Sarah Morrissey (Jr. Software Engineer, ArchivesSpace) is a Computer Science 
student at Georgia Tech with a particular interest in data management. She has 
worked on the ArchivesSpace program team as a co-op student over the past year, 
working on a variety of technical projects including the Archivists' Toolkit 
migration tool, the Archon migration tool, an ArchivesSpace Windows installer, 
and improving the reports functionalities in ArchivesSpace.

Who should attend:
Everyone interested in seeing the new reports functionalities in ArchivesSpace.

Please contact Kim at<>

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