Has anyone customized their list of Local Access Restrictions? Any gotchas?

I'm especially curious about anyone using the "Other" category.  In the 
controlled vocab list, I see that the value "ColdStorageBrbl" is translating to 
"5 - Other". I'd like to avoid confusion down the line - especially since our 
users do want to have a cold storage specific option.  Has anyone addressed 
this at your repository?  Are there any details to watch out for, perhaps for 
upgrades or current/planned reports?

I think we're OK to create new options, and suppress/merge/delete the 
out-of-box options. We'd need to reassign any current records using 'other', of 
course, since most are not cold storage.  Before we begin, I would love to know 
how anyone else has addressed this.  E.g.  Is suppress a better choice than 
deleting?  Or can I safely delete ColdStorageBrbl once and for all (once 
records are reassigned)?


Nancy Kennedy
Smithsonian Institution

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