Dear all,

This is my first message to the user group- I've been making great use of the 
list's archives and am hoping someone may be able to help with my question.

I'm working through issues concerning sharing personal data about living 
individuals in ArchivesSpace- seeking to ensure that personal data is only 
accessible and shared if necessary and appropriate to comply with the UK Data 
Protection Act and GDPR.

We were lucky enough to receive 2 days training on ArchivesSpace last summer 
and our training notes about the types of user record set out the following :

Basic Data Entry Staff: Has no application customization permissions; is unable 
to read or write name contact information; has read-only access to Accession, 
Digital Object, Agent, and Subject records, has read/write permissions on 
Resource records.

I have just set up a test user account and given it basic data entry 
privileges. When I log in as that user I can view (but not edit) agent records 
including contact information. The agent records have been created by the 
repository to which the test user belongs but the test user can also see 
contact details of agents created by another repository.

I have looked at the 'manage groups' menu to check what basic data entry users 
can do, and found that the following boxes only are checked:- create/update 
resources in this repository; create/update digital objects in this repository; 
view the records in this repository; create and run a background job. It 
doesn't look as though there is another box I could tick to limit access to 
contact information.

I may be missing something obvious but is there a way to limit access to 
contact information in ArchivesSpace? I would be very grateful for any 

Best wishes,


Natalie Adams
Systems Archivist
Cambridge University Library
West Road
Cambridge, CB3 9DR
Tel 01223 766377<>
Normal working days are Monday-Wednesday

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